Chapter seventeen- bring me back to life

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"No. No, absolutely not. I have no sense of direction. I said no.” I shook my head crossing my arms over my chest.
“You've been on a bike before?” Fox laughed at me from where he stood beside his bike. We were out in the bog lands, plently of open road and few people around. It was the middle of the night, Fox had woke me, gentle like, whispering to me to go for a ride with him. Now here we were, the night sky clear of clouds, stars and the moon lighting the road for us.
“Yeah, course. Many times. However, I have not, nor do I have the intension of, ever riding on one by myself.” I answered him watching him throw his head back and laugh, his teeth glittering in the moons shine.
“A biker bitch afraid of a bike.” the smirk on his face settled deep as his eyes returned to mine, his attempt to bait me working.  My eyes narrowed into slits.
“Fuck. You.” I growled back and watched the twitch of his lip, like he thought I was cute.
“Little bird, I'll be all yours tonight, just get on the bike alone and ride.” He winked and I desperately tried to hide the shiver that broke out across my skin. I failed.
“I'm not afraid. I just prefer being the back seat.” I snapped in defense again watching his eyes twinkle.
“You're right the back seat is fun...” he paused to wink at me, making sure I got his juvenile joke before continuing, “but being the rider babe? Nothing more freeing.” He got serious.
“One person show?” I asked a small smile spreading across my face and he nodded, not getting my jab.
“Exactly.” He agreed.
“Fair enough. I'm more than used to a one woman show, sometimes no matter how much...some people...try... a one woman show just gets you there faster and better than two... you get me?” I smirked in triumph watching as his eyes were now the ones to narrow into slits as he caught my implied insult.
“Clearly, up until recently, whoever was showing you how to...ride a bike... wasn't man enough to do it right.” Sliding up to him as he raised his chin cockily, I aligned my body with his. Pressing up, I placed a kiss on his jaw before turning my attention to the bike. Swinging a leg over the seat I settled in, remembering all he had told me to do. I knew it would come like second nature to me, I'd been around bikes my whole life, they were a part of me. Smirking over my shoulder I saw that Foxs face still held the cocky grin of a man who thought he had won. I smiled, knowing the fight is never over until the woman decides she is.
“Up until recently hm? Far as I'm concerned, the Jury is still out on that one!” I called as I revved the engine and burst out laughing, catching the look of shocked insult on his face as I peeled away and roared down the road. The wind blew my hair as I sped down the tarmac, losing myself in the moment. My laughter died as my mind and body got lost in the feeling of the ride. Fox was right, it was freeing being on a bike with someone. But when it was just you and the machine between your legs, it connected you to something so much more than being free. It was like you were one with the road, the open sky, the air around you. It was you and you were it. Every turn you took, every sudden shift, you and the bike moved in harmony as one, balancing each other out. I suddenly understood the need to own a bike. I understood the want to ride for hours, days, years on end. I understood the need to be this free all the time.
I could have rode for ten minutes, it could have been an hour before I turned the bike around to speed back towards Fox, feeling excitement shoot through me at the sight of him standing strong, feet planted, arms crossed over his chest. I bypassed him, pulling the bike to a stop at the side of the road a little up from where he was.
“You're right there's-” I started to agree with him about the freedom of the ride but he grabbed me, pulling me from the bike. His lips crashed into my unyielding. I gave myself over to his kiss immediately.
“Jurys going to come to a decision now babe. Now, little bird, do as you're told and turn around, put your hands on the bike and tilt your ass for me.” a thrill shot up my back at his rumbled words. Usually the minute someone told me what to do, I'd instantly feel the need to defy them. However, in this case, I felt for my own happiness, I'd refrain from doing so. As I turned, a bundle of quivers going off in my stomach, I couldn't help but think that I could get used to this and that's what terrified me the most.

I closed the bedroom door quietly so as not to wake Fiachra as I left. It was early hours in the morning, around six and we'd only fallen asleep a few hours before then. We got back from our ride around half one, a storm was starting to settle in as we rode into the compound. The rain and thunder woke me a half hour ago before the dryness of my throat pushed me to get up from the bed and make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water.
I rubbed at my eyes, not focused on anything as I strolled into the brightly lit kitchen of the compound. My steps shuffled under me as I caught sight of Mindy standing by the island in the center of the room, a tub of ice cream open in front of her. Her eyes came to me and silence stretched between us before she reached into a drawer and pulled out a spoon, offering it to me. I continued to stare at her in shock.  She rolled her eyes.
"C'mon, it's mint.  I even put chocolate sauce on it." She wiggled the spoon at me again. Not knowing what else to do I slowly made my way further into the room, coming to a stop opposite her.
"Thanks." I mumbled taking the spoon from her hand. She shrugged dipping back into the tub. I leaned in and dug my spoon in too. The ice cream had no sooner left the spoon before she spoke again, her eyes on the ice cream in front of her.
"Be careful. He'll have your heart crushed to dust in his hand before he even realises he's holding it." She spoke softly and I stiffened at her words, unsure what to make of her sudden gentleness towards me. I tilted my chin, regarding her, but otherwise did not respond. She rose her eyes to mine.
"I'm a bitch sometimes, I won't lie but I see no reason to let what's mine go to someone who will be gone soon. And when I say what's mine, I don't mean him. That man will never settle, honey and you're more the fool if you think he will. You can think what you want of me, it's probably right because I am still pushing for him to look my way indefinitely but trust me, coming from a girl who's been in your shoes years ago, with the same guy, take it from me when I say I learned my lesson. And still honey it took me a few years to learn it but, it's been years, and he hasn't changed." He words echoed fears within me but I didn't let that show. I simply nodded.
"Okay, noted." I responded and watched her watch me before she reached her spoon back into the ice cream, now shaking her head back and forth.
"Damn, while I admire your balls, make sure your men back home take good care of that shattered heart of yours when Fox hands you over." She said and with that comment I was done. Turning I left her standing with her ice cream, my own scoop still leaving an iced touch in my mouth. Even still the ice cream wasn't near as chilling as her words were.
Their chill settled deep.
Im sorry I'm sorry. Im so sorryI know it's been waaay too long.

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