Chapter nine- so let the river run

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“Is that them all?” the bartender, whose name I learned was Jake, asked as I set the last of the empty bottles on the counter. The night had finally drew to a close. I was on clean up duty tonight.
“Yeah, should be.” I answered, leaning into the clean counter he had wiped down. He leaned in the other side.
“How was the first night?” he asked smiling softly, taking in how tired I looked, leaning my chin into my hand.
“Could have been worse, could have been better.” I smiled back softly.
“Well for what it's worth, it looked like you were holding your own.” He said back.
“That's something, I guess. Have you been bartending long?” I asked him, pulling up a high stool and settling in.
“Longer than I thought I would be,” he laughed, forearms coming down to rest on the counter, putting him closer to me.  “but I have actually loved it. It's always been handy, mostly I worked in places that the pay was under the table so I could come and go from place to place as I wanted it. ” he told me and I nodded.
“How long have you been working here?” I asked. He shrugged.
“I got the job about five years ago.  A buddy of mine was running the place, he wanted to stand down and recommended me. I came in, worked a few months with him, learning the way he ran the place then when he was ready, I took over running things. It was fine for a while but when they opened this private section two years ago I decided to get hands on behind a bar again. You've got the club scene in the front, strip club in the back and us off to the side. I like the quiet here.” he finished smiling at me.
“Damn, that's some experience but I'm a little worried if you think this is quiet.” I teased back and he laughed.
“You'd say that because you haven't worked in either a strip club or a nightclub I'm guessing. So knowing that, What's your job history?” he asked and I noted he didn't ask how I got the job here, clearly already knowing. I ignored that.
“Well actually I have a degree in-" I started to tell him.
“Jake.” the interruption came from behind me so I spun in my chair while Jake shot to standing tall to look at the main door where Fox stood, his eyes on us. “Bars closed, I'll get the lights.” He said tightly. Silence settled in before I heard Jake shuffle from behind the bar.
“Tomorrow night, babe.” he called over his shoulder as he walked through the door past Fox, his words jolting me. Babe?
Fox narrowed his eyes at me not saying a word. Slowly I stood up, feeling my heels I'd been in for for hours pinch my toes. The uniforms we had to wear waitressing were tiny; black leather skirt and lacy bralet that didn't leave much to the imagination.
“Is she really gone home? Cecilia?” I asked him nervously. He walked straight to me dragging a phone from his pocket and placing it to his ear. He stopped less than a step from me, my head tilting back to meet his eyes.
“shut the fuck up. ” he snapped down the phone causing me to wince. "I wont say it again. Put your girl on the phone, I wouldn't question me, do it. Two seconds.” He snapped, his hard eyes still on me. He waited then pressed the phone roughly my ear.
“Cecilia?” I squaked frantically down the phone.
“Ria, thank god. I'm home-“ she hardly finished the word ‘home' when the phone was snatched from my hand. I gasped.
“why did you-" I started to snap.
"You heard her, she's home. That's it, you know.” He said back. I shook my head at him.
“Why are you like this? What hardened you?” I knew it was silly to push but I couldnt help it. He baffled me. “You're almost sweet sometimes, then you remember that exterior you've put on and you can be so harsh it's horrible to imagine someone has that in them. ” I went on ignoring the air of tension that came from him. “all I want-"
“Jesus, don't you get it? It isn't about you!” his voice rose quickly to a shout. “What makes you think you get special treatment? You don't, little bird-" his towering over me threw me off. I panicked, blurting out the first thing that came into my head.
“You kissed me.” I squealed out and his head moved back in shock. Then he laughed.
“And?” he continued to laugh and I grimaced, embarrassment making my face red.
“Fiachra, I'm ready to go. ” Mindys voice called from the door, demanding attention. We both looked her way. Silence fell between us then he stepped back away from me.  He turned toward her and I felt it rise in me.
“Don't.” I whispered reaching my hand out to touch his arm. He spared me a glance before moving away, breaking our connection. Mindy grinned at me wickedly.
“Bye bye.” she called cheerfully, as she turned with Fox and left the room. My legs wobbled under me as I fell back to sit into the chair.
“What the fuck am I doing?” I whispered out loud.
The silence in the empty club room didn't have an answer for me.

“Sweetheart, why aren't you up there? You'd be shit hot up there.” The man I'd just put a drink in front of called up to me above the music. Tonight was day seven working in the private suite and we were near closing. I felt every bit of the last six hours.
“I dont dance.” I said back turning to leave. His hand reached out, roughly grabbing my ass. I smacked his hand away, rushing from the table toward the bar. I saw Jakes sharp eyes on me, knowing he had seen the mans actions.
“You ok?” he asked and I nodded. “Swap out of there, go work a different section.” I shook my head.
“And put one of my girls in his hands? Hardly. Aurora is having a tough enough time as is.” She was too. The last two days had taken their toll on her, you could see the bags under her eyes, the small flinches her body involuntarily made when one of the men put their hands near her. Smiles had also frequented the club the last week, sitting in a back booth, always having a brother or two with him but his eyes never strayed far from Aurora. However, regardless of his presence, Aurora avoided him like he wasn't there. Her eyes never strayed to him once.
“Well we would have a fight on our hands if she swap in anyways. Her man over there looks about fit to kill anyone that looks at her.” Jake interrupted my thoughts jerking his chin towards where I knew Smiles was sitting.
“He's not her man.” I said back and he looked at me, eyebrows raised.  “We'll be going home soon.” I added.
He just continued to look at me, his eyes saying more than his words would have. I turned back to face the room.
“Smiles dropping you three home tonight?” Jake asked a question he asked every night. I nodded moving forward to continue working. After all, every dollar counts.

We were in the van, heels in hand, heads on each others shoulders. It was getting light out, the sun starting to shine in the windows.
“I think we should strip.” Aurora said softly from between me and Greta. Our heads shot simultaneously up as we stared in shock at her. Smiles voiced our shock.
“What did you say?” he snapped but she didnt repeat herself.
“Think on it, we're making minimum waitressing right now, Enzo owes god knows how much thousands. If we strip and waitress anything we make stripping will be double or triple what we make waitressing. Its only logical.” she continued ignoring him completely. I contemplated it.
“No, hell no. They would chew you apart you got up there Aurora.” Greta shook her head.
“She isn't wrong, though.” I interjected. Greta turned to gape at me.
“Are you crazy?” she asked.
“Do you want to go home?” I challenged her and her mouth snapped shut.
“It isn't happening.” Smiles spoke above us. “End of discussion.” He finished looking out the front window. I glanced at Aurora watching how her eyes had narrowed angrily. They shot to me, her gaze communicating a lot.
“We'll see.” she said stubbornly and if I wasn't so tired I would have laughed at her. Slowly Smiles turned in his seat, his usual blank expression no longer void of emotion but instead showed striking anger.
“Don't push it, babe.” he said shocking all three of us with his use of an endearment.
“Not your call.” She said back, “Your Pres wants his money, I'm only happy to deliver it.” She snapped back and my eyebrows rose in shock as one of the rare occasions occured where Aurora rose her voice. I looked to Greta to see her eyes frantically jumping between Aurora and Smiles, her expression panicked.
“Aurora-" Greta started softly.
“Enough.” Smiles interrupted, turning back to face forward, his voice inviting no argument. I settled back into my seat, unsure of what to make of the situation. But one thing was for sure, the look on Auroras face said she was going to do her best to get her way. Feeling Smiles emotions blanket the van, I wasn't sure she could deal with the consequence if she did get her way.
Either way, something told me we would find out soon.

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