Chapter Sixteen- I won't back down

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“I want her first.”
Staring out the window I listened to Enzo repeat his demands down the phone. I could feel the scratch of it up my back, slow, steady pressure reminding me how close time was to running out. Every day Enzo got closer to the end game and even with me taking on new deals to ensure they left his club, he was still gathering money fast. Enzo already had the money for another girl to be freed. It was only a matter of time.
“Not going to happen.” I said.
“I’ve got your money, now I want Daria home first. It shouldn't make a difference who I take-” I interrupted him, an idea forming in my head. I felt Zips eyes on me from across the room where he leaned casually again the closed door.
“Ways I see it, you aren't in the position to demand anything. I would almost congratulate you on how big your balls are if I wasn't getting pissed off with your shit.” I said breezily down the phone.
“Money for a girl. We didn't specify which one or when so I'm saying this time it needs to be Daria that comes.” Enzos voice rose down the phone.
“And there we go, I'm done with this bullshit fucking around. I want my money, all of it. So this is what’s going to happen; I'm keeping both girls until you have all the money.” I continued to look out the window, ignoring Zips mumble of my name.
“But we had a deal-” Enzo spluttered.
“And I'm over it, you should have taken what you got and not said shit. Wait until your old lady hears you were happy to leave her here for the time being. As for this other messing around, I'm not the most patient person, be a shame I took my anger out on someone...” I let my sentence fall between us.
“Two weeks. Two weeks and I'll have it all for you. Then this is done, my girls are home and you never hear from us again.” Enzo breathed fire down the phone, setting ice off in my stomach. Two weeks. That's all I had.
“Two weeks.” I agreed, careful to keep my voice steady.
“Oh and Fox? Rumours have surfaced about a particular interest you’re showing in my sister. I'm going to take them for what I would advice they be, just rumours. Understood?” his voice was sharp, his meaning clear. I laughed down the phone unfazed.
“Tut tut tut. When will you learn Enzo? You aren't in control here?” I hung up before he could respond. Zip enter the room further.
“You're showing too much skin in this. You should have just let her go. You’re going to put yourself in a worse position.” Zip spoke up.
“Two weeks. That's all it is.” I replied not liking how true his words were.
“Two weeks too long. Pres, you know I'd never over step you and what I'm about to say is coming from me as a friend, so don't get offended but this shit with this girl has got to stop. She's got to be no one, Fox. I don't know shit about what has gone down between you two and I don't give a fuck. What I do know is that you just proved to Enzo something has. He may be stupid to have fucked with us but he isn't stupid enough not to read between the lines.” Zip paused to let his words sink in.
“He'll come for her, full army behind him.” Zip spoke when I didn't respond.
“Let him. In fact, I'm counting on it.” I replied and Zip scoffed.
“You’re so sure she'll chose you? Come on man, she grew up in this life. Her family are what family is to us: everything. Even if she considered it, in the end she'd chose them.” His words settled into my chest, feeding an unease that was taking up residence there but I didn't let it show.
“Two weeks. That's all I want from her.” I replied, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I didn’t move from the window as I smoked the cigarette completely, thinking about my life a few weeks ago, thinking about last night wkth Daria and lastly, thinking about what my life would be like in two weeks time.
I lit up a second cigarette.

“They're staring at you again.” Her voice came from beside me followed by an angry “Ria!” snapped from Greta who was sitting beside Daria.
The two women sat on a bench beside the car I was working on in the garage. The day was dry so everyone was about. Lifting my head from under the hood I turned to see the twins staring at me from across the room. Their appreciation of the sight in front of them clear on their faces. When they caught me looking they both winked and waved flirtatious over at me. I nodded my head in response. Ria growled deep in her throat, which cut off when Greta rammed her elbow into Darias side before spewing at her in quick Italian. Anger over took me at the behaviour coming from Daria; it felt an awful lot like she was trying the stake a claim.
“Yeah I know. Fine.” Daria replied to whatever Greta had said and from the shake of Gretas head, she wasn't impressed. Darias eyes focused on the ground, her face carefully blank. As much as I wanted to say something I wasn"t about to do it in front of everyone. Sliding back under the hood I called out, “Dive, bring the girls out. Downstairs and my office.” I knew he'd know to separate the girls accordingly. I had no intention of going to Daria until the car was finished and I'd had time to calm down.
An hour later I entered my office closing the door behind me. Daria sat on the couch at the far wall. She rose to stand when I entered. My anger all came rushing back at the sight of her.
“I-” she started.
“Need to watch yourself. You need to watch yourself.” I interrupted her, menace evident in my voice, the barely controlled anger obvious.
“Regardless, of what goes on between us, regardless of how fucking incredible it is, I am not yours. I'm not anyone's. We've had the conversation before but clearly you need reminding. Those girls, they belong here whether you like it or not and you, you'll be gone soon. That is just the way it is. I won't have you showing me up with stunts like that one today, making comments at me in front of people, like you have the right to question me.” I finished keeping my eyes locked on hers, making sure she knew I was serious.
“Will anything ever matter to you? Will I? Will anything other than this club or your brothers break through that iron clad exterior you've shielded yourself with? Is this all you really want from life?," she shook her head,  "I know I'm just me and I know I shouldn't have said anything but dammit, does it not feel good to know someone gives a shit? That you have someone telling you they hate the thought of other people being with you? Hate the thought of them even looking at you?” the words burst from within her and she kept her eyes on mine, pleading with me.
“I don’t have you.” I replied thinking of the conversation from this morning. Two weeks was all I had. She laughed bitterly throwing her hands out.
“I'm right here. What more do you want?” she demanded.
“You have no problem getting in my face do you?” I queried watching her blink and then let out a shaky laugh. “Someone has to.”  She replied, her face relaxing as the tension eased from her shoulders.  She walked to me wrapping her arms around my waist, resting her head on my shoulder. “Something has to give eventually, Fiachra. I'm not telling you to commit to me right now or anything, we're way to early for that. But soon we need to decide what we're doing here. Very soon.” she muttered against my chest, not strong enough to look me in the eyes as she said the words. I didn’t reply, her words cutting too close to the bone. Instead I just rested my chin on her head, the fragrance of her shampoo hitting me.
Two weeks.

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