Just Ask -or- Serendipitous Miscommunication

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[Comedic future!fic feat. brotp-Bakurararaka, fangirling muscleheads, and KiriBaku]

"I just don't know Ochaco, what if he says no?" Bakugo and Uraraka were walking down the street in civilian clothes, taking full advantage of their day off.

"Hey, isn't that Uravity?" The words of some buff dude carried across the street. Apparently, even on her day off, Uraraka's pink cheeks and distinctive haircut were quite recognizable, and in mere moments two men, both beefier than Bakugo, had approached the girl. "Uravity? Can I have your autograph?" asked the taller one, though they were both quite tall.

"Oh... sure thing!" She smiled sweetly, drawing a sharpie out of her purse, and signed her hero name on their biceps, as requested.

"Would you hit me with your flying kick?" requested the second man eagerly.

"Not in these jeans," Uraraka said apologetically, rubbing the back of her head. "I could do a gravity flip though, if you want," she offered instead.

"Hell ye—I mean, yes please," the man enthused.

"Alright. Hey Blasty, could you hold my purse for a sec?" she asked Bakugo, slipping the yellow bag off her shoulder.

"Tch, whatever cherry-cheeks." Bakugo shot back, taking her bag and standing out of the way. Also gesturing for the other large man to back up.

Uraraka grabbed the man's wrist, and used her quirk to make him momentarily weightless. Just as he reached the apex of the arc she'd sent him on, she released her quirk, and slammed him down onto the sidewalk. She didn't use full strength though, she didn't need to be sending any well-meaning fans to the hospital. She allowed him to lie there stunned for a moment, before helping him up and making sure she hadn't injured him.

"Dude that was totally awesome!" his friend announced, high-fiving him. Uraraka smiled once more at them, and returned to Bakugo, who was standing on the sidelines.

As they walked away, they heard the man whom she'd flipped declare, "I think I'm in love!" and they couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry about that Kacchan," Uraraka said to her friend.

"It's no problem," Bakugo waved it off. "Honestly, I still think it's funny as fuck to see those huge-ass guys not only get beaten up by you, but literally ask for it." He snickered.

"I know, right?" She laughed along with him. "When I debuted as a hero I never thought muscle-heads would end up being my demographic. Anyway, what were you saying before? We were talking about Eijirou, right?"

"Yeah, I'm just not sure if I should ask him," Bakugo repeated his earlier concern.

"See, your problem, Kacchan, is that even though you know you're better than everyone else, you still think you're a peice of trash," Uraraka explained as if that cleared everything up. "Which of course, you are."

"Thanks," Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"But Ei doesn't see you that way." Uraraka rolled her eyes right back. She'd been putting up with his shit for a long time, and it barely fazed her anymore. "I don't know what you're worrying so much about. You've been crushing on him for years, but you've been friends for even longer. What's the worst that could happen?"

"He could be disgusted, and completely cut me out of his life forever," Katsuki deadpanned. He'd been thinking about this a lot. "Refusing to speak to me ever again, and alienating me for all eternity."

"We are talking about the same Eijirou, right?" Uraraka raised an eyebrow at him. "He cried when my ex-boyfriend's pet fish died, and he's never even met the guy. Also, he's gay too, why on earth would he be disgusted? He calls you 'babe,' dude. Are you entirely sure you two aren't dating already?"

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