Chapter 14

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"Celine, hurry up, they're here," Damien says. He hears things being thrown and a loud exclamation from Will. Something about stealing?

"We are almost done," Celine hisses. Even with Celine's facade of emotionlessness, Damien can see that her patience is worn as thin as the rest of theirs. She never was the best at concealing anger or frustration. However, she is good at working quickly and efficiently under pressure. The nightstand has been pulled out into the middle of the floor from beside the bed and her hands fly over the makeshift table, rearranging objects that Damien wouldn't even know what to do with. Yandereplier helps her, looking almost as experienced as Celine herself. The man named Bim Trimmer is holding another bundle of smoking herbs and he walks around the room, spreading the smoke everywhere. Damien has pulled two chairs up to the nightstand, adjacent to each other, and has been instructed to sit and listen for the inevitable arrival of Anti. He has been listening apprehensively to the commotion outside, but it suddenly stops after Celine speaks.

"Celine..." Damien says. She suddenly turns to him with a knife and grabs his hand. Before he can protest, she turns it palm up and makes a cut across his palm. He winces as she holds it over a bowl and allows the blood to flow into it, then doing the same to hers. She mixes their blood together, making Damien cringe, and places the bowl in the middle of the stand

"Take my hand," Celine says after sitting in the chair across from Damien. He does what she says, trying not to pull away as their wounded hands touch, their blood mingling and dripping even more into the bowl. Yandereplier starts reading something off of a piece of paper that Celine must have prepared for them. Damien quickly identifies the language they're speaking as Latin. Roughly, it translates to:

With the power of the blood with a former bond, again you are bonded.

A strange feeling, as if he's literally dissolving.

Then nothingness.

Bim has no idea what the herbs are for, but he will do anything to get Dark back. Dark, of course, can get rid of Anti. So he continues spreading the smoke around for the man and woman who's names he learned are Celine and Damien. Bim turns towards the three when Yandereplier says something in a language that he does not know.

Suddenly, all of the smoke that had been filling the room gets sucked towards the table in the middle of the room. He watches the smoke swirl around the table, blocking the view of Celine and Damien. He learns their fate when he sees some smoke slightly tinted blue and red join the normally gray smoke. There is a poof (if ya know what i mean) sound and the smoke's color turns to black. Slowly, it dissipates, until the figure of a man is visible. The man straightens his tie and steps out of the remainder of the smoke.

Dark is back.

He needs to process everything. All of the memories that have suddenly returned to him, the manor, the events that just took place, Yandereplier's betrayal, all of it.

But he doesn't have time.

Wilford. He has to rescue Wilford. He despises the feelings he has for the man, but can no longer deny them.

"Dark!" Bim says with a smile on his face. Dark pushes past him, however, moving quickly towards the door. He opens it with his powers before he even gets there, determined to save his Wilford.

"Woah, woah, woah. Let's not do anything rash here," Wilford tells Anti. He can feel himself becoming dizzy because of the loss of blood in his shoulder. Just a little bit longer...

"You're right. Maybe I should save you for later, so I can take my time..." Anti responds, his grin growing. There's a noise from the room and Anti changes his mind again. "Oh, well. We don't have enough time for that. Time for you to die."

"GUYS!" Wilford yells at the other egos. They look panicky, like he's asking for help. They know Anti will kill them if they get in his way. However, asking for help isn't Wilford's intentions. He just needs a distraction. "Anti would be perfect in a new episode of Markiplier TV! Wha'da ya think?" The egos groan and launch into their rants about why Markiplier TV is a bad idea. All of their voices try to overlap each other, having the desired effect of distracting Anti.

"sHuT uP!" Anti yells at them, glitching. They all stop talking immediately. Anti turns back, but Wilford doesn't have any more tricks up his sleeve. So he talks. He rambles about random shit, partially delirious from blood loss.

Anti raises his knife.

Wilford has never been afraid of death, and he isn't going to start now. He keeps talking, bracing himself for what's to come next. His voice immediately stops, however, when he hears a door opening.

"Will!" Dark yells. Wilford feels himself smile and lets out a sound of pure joy.

"Dar-" Wilford begins, but is cut off when he feels a knife get thrust into his chest.

Whoops, there go them emotions again.

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Bad Romance [Darkstache (Darkiplier x Wilford Warfstache)]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz