Chapter 11

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Going back to the manor seemed like a great idea at first. Now, it does not.

The first thing Damien asks is what happened at the manor. Wilford starts to explain as if it were Dark, but then he remembers. This isn't Dark. Damien and Celine don't know about his murderous tendencies and would definitely not be as accepting. And what if he kills them permanently and never gets his Darki back?

"Ah, I just remembered, the manor isn't important after all. There's nothing we can do here. Celine, mah dear, what was your idea?" Wilford asks. Damien looks confused.

"Then why did we come all the way here? We should at least try your idea," Damien says.

"Hehe, no. It won't work." Wilford shoots him a warning glare, and Celine just glares at him in general.

"William-" Damien begins, still convinced that they should stay.

"It's Wilford, you son of a bitch," Wilford yells suddenly, pulling a knife out of nowhere and throwing it at the Mayor. Damien avoids getting stabbed, but it nicks his arm before impaling the wall beside him. Damien looks at him in shock, but Wilford just grins like nothing happened and walks out the door.

"Well, come on, slowpoke! Time to try Celine's idea."

Darkness. All around him. What is this? Scream. No one can hear. Run.

No escape.

Is this a good idea? She asks herself.

Of course, you're helping Senpai.

But Dark and Will-kun...

You have to help Senpai. The he will see how much you love him.

Than he'll want to stay with us.


Apparently, Celine is going to try some psychic, seer mumbo jumbo. Wilford doesn't care how it's done, as long as he gets Dark back. So they go back to MarkEgo HQ and Celine sets up shop in one of the rooms in Dark's suite. None of them are allowed in there until she's ready to perform the ritual though, and Wilford is becoming impatient.

"Celine, mah dear, are you ready yet?" He asks sweetly through the door.

"Patience, Will. I am in the midst of getting help from the Divine Spirits of the Void," she calls back out.

"I didn't understand a word of what you just said, but my patience is wearing thin, Celine." His voice is less sweet and more threatening now.

"Willia- Wilford," Damien says, placing a calm hand on Wilford shoulder. His arm is bandaged so it's no longer bleeding. "Perhaps we should do something to pass the time?" A slight blush dusts his cheeks as he says it. Wilford smirks.

"What are you saying, Dami?" Wilford asks. Damien blushes harder.

"I-I am merely implying that we... go for a walk."

"I see," Wilford says, grinning. "Well, sure. Come on." He grabs Damien's hand and pulls the flustered mayor out of there. They walk out of the MarkEgo HQ and onto the street and continue in the direction of Mark's house. He probably went home after going to the hospital.

"So..." Damien says, clearing his throat awkwardly. Wilford chuckles at his discomfort. He is about to say something in response, but suddenly a disheveled looking Yandereplier comes running out of an alleyway.

"WILFORD! WILFORD-KUN!" They stop in front of him, out of breath. Wilford takes out his gun, ready to shoot at any threat. A few civilians scream and run away.

"What?! What happened?!" Wilford asks, still looking around for a threat.

"Help! A man stole my katana from me! I need it back!"

"Which direction?"

When Yan points towards the alleyway they just came from, Wilford takes off in that direction with The Mayor not far behind. However, the alleyway leafs to a dead end and no one is to be seen.

"Maybe they got away?" Damien asks hopefully.

Suddenly, there is a flash of green light and Wilford's gun flies from his hand. Something hits him hard in the back of the head and the last thing he sees before he blacks out is a dark figure with one green glowing eye, laughing as he hits Damien in the back of the head with what seems like a baseball bat. Then his consciousness is going... going.... gone.
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