Chapter 2

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Dark lays down on his bed, confident that no one else will visit him tonight. He is dressed in fluffy black pajamas and his room is dark. Just the way he likes it. Soon he drifts off, thinking about his plan, Mark dying, Wilford...

Wilford walks right in to Dark's suite, not bothering to knock.

"Oh, Da-ark," he calls out in a sing-song voice as he enters Dark's office. However, he's not there. Wilford shrugs, thinking he probably just went on a killing spree or something.

The ego is about to walk back to his own suite when he hears light snoring coming from one of the rooms. Wilford grins. If Dark is asleep, he so needs to record it for the next episode of Markiplier TV. He silently creeps towards the room and opens the door. The sight makes Wilford's breath catch.

Dark lays on his black four poster bed, basically swimming in his fluffy black pajamas and sheets and blankets. He looks pretty normal, as apparently his dark aura goes away when he sleeps. Wilford takes this moment to study Dark. His skin is so pale that it's grey, and he has a bit of stubble on a perfect jaw. And he looks at peace, even smiling a bit at his dreams. He's adorable, Wilford thinks grinning slightly. Wilford remembers earlier, when The Host was going to tell everyone what he was thinking, before Wilford threw a knife at him. He was thinking the same thing then. Adorable.

Vulnerable. That's how Dark would describe himself. Wilford somehow doubts that Dark would want anyone to see him so vulnerable. Realizing that he actually had been walking towards Dark, Wilford slowly turns around to leave, just as the door shuts.


It's pitch black in the room and Wilford definitely doesn't know this place well enough to find his way out. In fact, he's probably only been in Dark's suite once. He's never been in Dark's room. Wilford has a general idea of which direction to go in, so he cautiously inches forward, knowing Dark will kill him if he is discovered. What was he thinking, coming in here. Even he shouldn't be that stupid.


Wilford flinches as he runs into Dark's dresser, knocking down several things that he can't see. He stands perfectly still and listens. He hears nothing and sighs in relief. But wait a minute. Wasn't Dark snoring before? His answer is confirmed as someone grabs his shoulder and he is teleported somewhere else.

As soon as he hears the crash, Dark's eyes snap open and he sits straight up. His adjusted eyes see a figure in the darkness. It's the same figure all of them have, so it's definitely one of the egos, but it could be any one.

When Dark hears the over exaggerated sigh, he knows exactly which one it is. Wilford. Dark starts glitching and teleports over to Wilford.

He lays a hand on the other egos shoulder and teleports him to his torture room. The room is filled with instruments of torture, and Dark used some of his power to make it look like Hell. Flames are everywhere, the intensity of them matching the intensity of Dark's emotions. Wilford turns around and gives him a sheepish grin.

"Oh, uh, hey Dark. Long time no see. Whatcha been up to?" Wilford says. Dark slaps the ego across the face, trying not to punch him so as not to hurt him.

"What the ACTUAL FUCK were you doing in MY ROOM?!?!" Dark yells. He glitches worse than he ever has before.

"Oh, uh, that, um..." Wilford glances around and pulls on his suspenders nervously. The flames flare higher. "Okay, look, I'm sorry, I was trying to find you and I thought I heard something, so I went to see what it was and it was you so I was trying to leave and..." Wilford's rambling makes his weird accent almost completely disappear. Interesting. Suddenly, he giggles a bit. Dark glares and takes a step toward him.

"What do you find funny about this situation, exactly?" Dark asks, trying to hold back his rage.  Wilford continues to laugh.

"You're still in your pajamas," Wilford gasps. Dark feels himself blush so hard that he's sure Wilford can see it this time. He teleports himself back to his room and changes into one of his suits before going back to Will.

"You will never come into my suite again, Warfstache. And you will never mention this to anybody. Do you understand me?" Dark growls, grabbing Wilford by his shirt collar. He teleports them to Wilford's office.

"Warfstache? What happened to Will?" Wilford asks, back to his old self again. Dark glares at him.

"I said, do you understand me?" Dark asks again.

"Sure thing, Darki," Wilford says with a wink. Flustered, Dark teleports back to his own office.

Darki? Did Wilford seriously call him Darki? What kind of a nickname is that? It seems more like a couples pet name. Dark blushes. A pet name? God, no. No thanks. I don't exactly swing in that direction, Dark thinks. And I can't stand the guy. He's infuriating. Dark runs his fingers through his hair, frustrated. Why did he have to get stuck with these guys for egos? Even Anti would be better... Okay, so maybe Dark would rather have Wilford than Anti as a fellow ego. Anti is way worse than Will, and he's weak.

Dark sighs, wishing he could go back to sleep, but his mind is awake now, thanks to Wilford. Hmmm, maybe this would be a good time to set his plan into motion...

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