Chapter 12

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The seer saw exactly what will happen, and she had a plan.

"You're Senpai... he will try and kill me later. When he does, I'll need your help.

Wilford is awoken by a by a sharp pain in his arm. He flinches and tries to reach his hand up to it but realizes that his hands are tied behind his back. He hears maniacal laughter as blood trickles down his arm.

"Wakey, wakey, Wilfy," comes a crackling voice. He snaps his eyes open. Looking around, he sees that he's in his suite. He's tied down to his chair and moonlight streams through the window, creating a break in the darkness of the usually bright room. However, even without the moonlight, he knows who his kidnapper is.

"ANsWeR ME, I KnOW YOU'rE AWAKe," Anti yells, plunging the knife into Wilford's arm. Wilford barely flinches.

"This was a new outfit," Wilford drawls. "Now look what you've done, there's blood everywhere!" This seems to make Anti pause, but then he breaks out in more laughter.

"Great, you aren't even afraid. Now I get to see the fear enter your eyes. Oh I love being the one to cause such feelings..." He continues to ramble under his breath, occasionally chuckling to himself.

Damn, Wilford thinks, he's crazier than me.

"Well, I got news for you, ya green goblin, I ain't afraid of nothing," Wilford tells him. He then tries to teleport out of the chair but it doesn't work. Glancing down, he sees that the rope is glowing slightly.

"I'm nOt a goblin," Anti says, twisting the knife. Wilford grits his teeth, but refuses to cry out. He won't give this goblin the satisfaction. "And I'VE got news for YOU, Warfstache. You should be very afraid." Anti snaps his fingers and the lights turn on. There are two other chairs in the room.

In them sit Damien and Celine, unconscious.

Wilford feels the look of horror on his own face and quickly returns it to his normal look, but Anti grins and Wilford knows he gave the exact reaction Anti expected him to.

"Now," Anti says, trailing his bloody knife over Celine and Damien's faces. "You will cooperate and do exactly as I say, or they die."

Wilford desperately tries to think of a plan, but his jumbled mind won't focus long enough. This is Dark's department, not his. What would Dark do? Come on, Wilford, think.

"Maybe you'll need a little... motivation?" Anti asks. He walks over to Celine and makes a hard, fast cut from her shoulder to her elbow. Her eyes snap open and she cries out in pain.

"Pfft," Wilford says, rolling his eyes. "What makes you think I care about them? Now stop this madness, let them go, and we can kill them together."

"Oh, but you do care about them. If they die, then how are you gonna get your precious Darki back?" Anti asks with a grin. Wilford glares at him.

"Oh, come on! I'm an alter ego! I'm barely even a real person, I don't have feelings," Wilford says.

"Hmm... then I suppose you won't mind if I..." He moves over to Damien and swipes the blade across his face, making a deep cut from the top of his nose to his neck. Damien wakes with a start and immediately starts to struggle against his restraints.

"William! Are you alright? What's going on? Oh, you're bleeding everywhere, what-"

"Dami, I'm fine. Now shut up," Wilford tells him. He blushes a little at the nickname and does as he was told.

"Dami, huh?" Anti asks with a grin. "I thought you didn't care about them?" Wilford glares daggers at Anti before violently lashing out, struggling like he never has before. He knows he can't kill Anti like this, but he knows that he will kill Anti. No one hurts him and Dark and gets away with it.

"LET ME G-" Wilford stills abruptly when Anti puts.the knife to Celine's throat.

"Now, that's not how it's going to work, Wilford. You will do exactly as I say, or I will kill them both. In fact..." Wilford cries out, but there's nothing he can do as Anti slits the seer's throat. Blood seeps out of her neck and she slumps down in the chair.


"Still have leverage. Now do as I say or your precious mayor dies too!" Anti glitches as he puts the knife to Damien's throat.

"W-Will-" Damien stammers. He has tears running down his face. Wilford knows there's nothing left he can do if he wants Damien to live.

Celine is dead. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. She was always so cautious. Yet she was defeated just like that. Damien feels himself come out of his shocked state as a blade is pressed against his throat as well. No! It can't end like this!

"W-Will-" He says, cursing his voice for making him sound weak, and cursing his inevitable tears.

"It will be alright, My Damien," Wilford says in an unusually soothing voice. It's very unlike him to show such softness and emotion, and Damien doesn't have to be a seer to know that Will is going to do exactly what this "Anti" says.

"What do you want me to do?" Wilford asks. Anti grins evilly.

"You will call a meeting and announce that I will be taking yours and Dark's place as head of MarkEgo HQ. And then you will serve me, helping me to kill anyone that needs to die,  starting with that Damn... Irish... potato! Sean, or as you better know him, Jack."

"But you killed him already."

"I'm not a fOOL! I know he's not dead. Just like I know he's visiting Mark tomorrow before his LA show. You will kill him, and then you will kill Mark. AnD tHeN i WiLl TaKe OvEr ThE wOrLd!" Anti let's out an evil laugh and Wilford and Damien both cringe.

"Take it easy there, Glitchy Mccrazy. I'll do what you want. Well, when I can, anyways. I seem to be a bit tied up right now."

"Hmm, I think I'll leave you like this. That way, the others can see that their "fearless leader" can be beaten."

Anti snaps his fingers and they're in the meeting room, surrounded by all of the egos.

When they're gone, Yan ventures into Wilford's office. They know that Senpai wouldn't actually kill Celine, regardless of what Celine had told them earlier. But it won't hurt to check.
Hey guys, I don't have internet at home currently, but I shall use the time I do have internet to give you the update you have been waiting for. As always, Comment what you think. Follow for more fanfics. (I do take requests, just message me or post on my message board). Vote if you want more of this story. DARKSTACHE AWAY!

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