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"Mr. Jackson?" I said lowly and he looked down at met his eyes glassy. "Why did you kiss me?"

He chuckled and continued looking at mez he shook his head.

"I's just..." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair and swiftly wiped his cheek. "I hoped you wouldn't have already fallen for him." I tilted my head not following. "I was wrong.."

"What are you talking about?"

"You were supposed to be my mate,Linus," I blinked and shook my head.

"What? No, I-" I blinked and stepped away, "you believe in mates?" He rolled his eyes. I hadn't ever put much thought into it, but suddenly I wondered how many supernatural beings were in this school. Was he one or them? And if so, what was he exactly.

"I'm a siren, Linus." He confessed with a wave if his hand. "I can see the questions in your eyes."

I had no knowledge on sirens so I could only stare at the man and wonder what made him believe I was his mate. I already had a mate, I don't think I could have two at the same time.

"I kissed you to see if you could feel our bond, but, you don't, so I'm sorry." He walked around his table. "It's okay you can go. I won't bother you anymore." I found myself frowning as he began to pack up his desk.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing up." He told me as he put everything on his desk in a box. It looked like he was never coming back instead of packing up for the end of the day.

"Why?" He stopped and rubbed his eyes.

"We've lost the bond we should have had, and I don't know how that happened or why, but I would feel better knowing. I'm leaving. " he said and continued lacking. "I'm going to find someone who can give me answers." He paused," I need to know if this means I'll always be alone or not and...I can't stand to see you anymore, knowing you are with someone else."

I felt like I should be crying, or begging him to stay. I wanted to understand what he was on about, but I was having a hard time processing.

"Oh..." Was all I could manage to say. I swallowed and walked over to the door and glanced at him. "I hope you get all the answers you need, Mr. Jackson." He nodded and kept his back to me. Somehow, I could tell he was allowing himself to cry, silently and alone. My heart went out to him, but, another part of myself was glad he was leaving as well.

The drive home was silent, I spent it stating out the window and thinking about Mr. Jackson and what he said. Was he serious about him and I being mates? Did that even make any sense? I had Fraden, he was my mate? Right? I couldn't help wonder if there was a lie somewhere in there, and who the lie stemmed from.

I walked into the house rather sullenly, staring st the ground, I felt troubled and I couldn't even fake a smile and pretend I was alright. Despite it everything, I was rather sensitive when it came to mates. I didn't like the idea of robing a person of their one true love, that happiness, especially since I noe had an idea of what it can feel like and look like. I grew up in a herd of panthers where mates were never something too important and I witnessed first hand the effects of rejecting the person the god's made just for you.

I was sitting alone in the hut, minding my own business and trying to make something out of animal skins when my sister came rushing in followed by my father.

4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu