29 | breaking standards

Start from the beginning

"What's that about?" Tessa shook her head, reaching for the remote, while throwing the rest of the shirts aside.

Indy looked at the closed door for a bit while biting her lip before turning to Tessa with a small tug of her lip, "You're asking me?" she answered with a nervous giggle.

Tessa not picking up on it, just shrugged and turned up for the volume as the news rolled over the screen, curious to see the latest topics, "What did you want me to see?"

Indy took a second or two before answering in a beaming tone, "Oh, yeah maybe you already know. I mean how can you not?"

Tessa chuckled by Indy's enthusiasm, patting the place beside her for her to join her, "How about you take a breath and sit down?" 

"One minute, okay? I just need to change, I need to talk to you anyway," she said rather distraught before shaking her head and smiling carelessly again, and quickly made her way towards her room.

Tessa looking after her for a minute, pursed her lips wondering what's up with both her friends lately.

She chuckled to herself by her jumbled thoughts, glancing at Indy's closed door wondering if they had finally hooked up or something and was now scared to tell her. That surely would explain a few things or two.

A knock on the door intercepted her entertaining thoughts about all the ways she could torment them, and she got up, slowly making her way towards the door. Maybe it was Parker coming back, because she noticed how he seemed to have forgotten his jacket, and tugged it under her arm on the way.

"Yeah, yeah. I got your jacket," she called out as the doorbell rang again and while opening the door she tossed the jacket. "Oh," her voice faltered as she noticed the face that peeped from under the jacket as he slid it off his face.

Her flustered brain circuited and in a snap decision she tried closing the door again, however Hale intercepted her action by stopping the door with his hand.

"Really, new avoiding tactic? Blindfolding people and shut the door in their face?" He commented with a raised brow seeing her quickly looking away as she flushed bright red.

"What do you want?" She asked sourly.

"Other than to ask why you ran away again?" He continued to rub salt in the wound.

"I didn't—" she began to protest however she couldn't make herself continue due to the awaiting expression that met her, when she glanced at him. Instead, a grunt escaped her seeing she couldn't hide from this.

She had indeed run away, again, and her wallet would suffer from it for months ahead. She cringed by the thought of checking her bank account.

"Look, Tessa, before I chicken out..."

She shook her head, as a mix between a snort and nervous laugh escaped her by the absurdity of a chicken carrying Hale's head waltzed around in her thoughts, before she realized it wasn't even Hale talking.

"Oh," Indy's voice cracked when she noticed Hale at the door, and sent him a small wave before her gaze flickered to Tessa who tried messaging her with her eyes to help her out from under this situation she was suddenly finding herself in once again. However this time where was no crowd to disappear into and seeing their apartment was literally the size of a stamp she didn't see how she could get herself out of it unless Indy came to her aid.

"I'll just," she pointed over her shoulder, wrongfully interpreting Tessa's spasms, "I forgot I had to call my mom," Indy backtracked into her room, while Tessa titled her head just as her shoulders slumped in annoyed defeat.

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