26 | sticky situation

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c h a p t e r | 26
'Sticky, but still surprisingly dry.'


Tessa groaned in response as the weight shifted on the bed and she squirmed under the covers. A snort resounded in the room, accompanied by a chuckle.


"Wh-what is going on?" She mumbled incoherently by the cries and grunts that made her eardrums thunder threateningly in her blunder.

"You call that a sword?" The chuckling continued together with a weird clinking sound, "Off the bed now," the deep voice rumbled and Tessa peeked from the comforter in bewilderment.


"Noah!" Hale hissed again as his exuberant brother jumped around the bed colliding with Tessa's legs and made him lose his balance and become entangled with a disoriented Tessa.

"Wha—" Her exclamation got cut abruptly short with a loud 'WHACK'!

"Arh, shit," Hale grimaced as Tessa rubbed her forehead after being smacked right in the face by Noah's spatula.

"Sorry, Tessa," Noah said though not lingering long before he jumped up again to engage in the fight with Hale once again. "You'll never get me alive!" He exclaimed in a fit of giggles and dodged as Hale swung his makeshift weapon made out of a whisk.

Tessa blinded by the early morning sun and grogginess of being hit straight in the face by a kitchen utensil tried to apprehend what was actually going on, however she had difficulties remembering where she even was.

"Wh-what you even doing?"

"Making pancakes!" Noah announced merrily though his face was scrunched together in concentration as he parried Hale's whisking attacks.

"Do I get the pan then?" She asked confused still out of it from sleep, and she watched Hale out of the corner of his eye how a small amused smirk lingered in his features, and she had a feeling it wasn't due to them having a breakfast fight in the middle of the where she seconds ago had been sound asleep.

Hale straightened victoriously as the spatula went flying from Noah's hand, and spread out his arms before pounding his chest.

"A dragon doesn't pound their chest you know!" Noah chided dejectedly with a pout. "And you totally cheated!"

"A dragon doesn't play fair," he shrugged in return, before pointing at Noah with the whisk, making his voice scratchy and deep, "You failed your task, Knight. Thou pancakes are mine for all eternity."

He let out an exaggerated laugh, before suddenly coming to a halt as the spatula was now resting against his throat.

"A knight does not engage in war without allies, you make sure to note that, foul dragon," Tessa winked before she slightly lowered the spatula to whack him in the chest.

The way Hale's gaze traveled down her body, while rubbing his chest where she hit him, made her fleetingly look down herself, terrified something had happened last night that could explain exactly why she wasn't in her own bed, but all she came up with was an unflattering pizza stain reeking of extra cheese.

A slight uneasy feeling was exchanged between them, stunning them both by the realization of how comfortable they suddenly felt around each other.

A certain fear settled in Tessa from knowing she had actually let her guard down around another one aside from Parker, and blamed it on the extremely delicious pizza. The whole her ending up asleep and being carried from the couch to the guest room, now, that was another thing altogether which she could only chug down to some extraterrestrial event she had no control over.

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