Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle [Pt.1]

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Almost a month went by already and it seemed pretty good. Hiro's fracture is healed and thank goodness I'm not sick anymore. Plus on the more optimistic side, my nanotech bracelet is nearly complete and hopefully it's fully functional by next semester. I can't afford to pay my way into SFIT again. Hiro's lucky that he's got the brains.

Another positive note, one of my teacher's called in and there were no substitutes, so my last class got to go home early. On my way out, through one of the windows of Hiro's class, he was glaring down at me with a pout. I stuck my tongue out at him and waved bye before laughing and making my way to the cafe.

The only downside side is that I have homework which I breezed through. Now I'm sitting with Cass at the counter and teaching Mochi a new trick.

"Okay, Mochi. Slow clap." Me and Aunt Cass clap at a slow pace while Mochi watched us closely. I mean, he wanted to since he gets a treat when he does something right. Very slowly, he lifts up his paws and slow claps.

Oh my GOSH!!! I squeal with Cass at the adorable action. "Good job, Mochi!" I gently scratch under his chin as he purrs happily and Cass gives him a treat. "I need to record this!" This time I've got Mochi slow clapping on video and we watch it over and over again.

"I love it so much!!! The little soft pats!" Aunt Cass gushes with adoration.

Mochi continues to purr until Cass fills his bowl with food which he took that moment to leave.

A sudden flick to my head, made me groan out in pain and rub the spot. "Ow! What was that for?!"

Hiro plops down in the chair next to me while the others follow suit in taking a seat around the table. The boy genius just smirks and immediately goes on his phone. "That was for leaving early and without me."

"Us. Without us." Gogo adds in and takes out a 'Popular Physics' magazine.

Hiro chuckles, "Yeah....that's what I meant."

I shrug and smile, "Sorry about taking off so early. I just wanted to beat you guys here for once and for an extra life bonus, it's the weekend. Finishing my homework is easier here in the cafe when it's not busy."

"Those are some good points, but seriously, (Y/n). How do you end up with homework?" Wasabi asked.

"Because she gets distracted very easily when it comes to school." Gogo excuse with a small smile.

"I'll admit. I do just that." My head falls onto the table in dramatic shame, which earns laughter from everyone.

"Oh! (Y/n)! You've got to show them Mochi's latest trick!!!" Cass hands me a freshly made muffin. "I mean, you guys have to see. It's completely optional, no presh."

Honey is already squealing with delight, "Ah! I love anything to do with cute cats doing cute things! I live for cat videos!"

"Wait. Is shortening words still a thing?" Cass says confused.

Fred laughs and reassures her, "Oh totes. That's short for absolutely."

I pull up the video on my phone and hand it over to Honey Lemon. "Here you go-Hey!" I move the muffin away from Hiro's grasp and shove his face away.

"Why does Aunt Cass give you a fresh muffin and not me?"

"It's because I'm special and you—" I flick his forehead with the same smirk he pulled earlier, "—are not."

Honey squeals at the cute video of Mochi, even Gogo admits that it's cute. They show Wasabi and Fred, while I'm still dealing with Hiro.

Hiro clicks his tongue then proceeds to take out a notebook and pen from my bag. "Well, I'm sure you have snacks in here."

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