MU Mash Up pt 2 (Chapter 50 Special!!)

Start from the beginning

Ethan’s suit was the least fancy out of all seven Legend Kids. He simply wore a white shirt under a dark blue leather jacket. For pants, he wore black jeans, and his shoes were black boots. Simple. Easy. Not too complicated to change into, and he didn’t look like a spotlight for the villains, saying, “Look at me! I’m a target!” He was now Ion Inferno.

Will wore a dark, black suit that sort of looked as if he were trying to rip off the Green Arrow and Batman. On his hands, he had leather gloves, and on his feet, he wore thick, steel-toed boots. For weapons, he carried a long staff and a crossbow. He was now Nightquiver.

Venus was dressed completely in gold. (The color not the metal. That would be heavy.) Her shoes had an elegant feather design, like the god Hermes from Greek mythology. Her shirt had an intricate bird design on her right sleeve. Around her neck was a heart-shaped locket, and her pants had golden feathers on their legs. In her hand, she carried a small harp, which she used for a weapon. She was now Dischord.

Gavin wore a red and black shirt under a red hood. Around his neck was a necklace in the shape of a boxing glove. On his hands, he had red, fingerless gloves. Around his back, he carried a quiver full of arrows, and in his hand, he held a bow. He was Shadow Boxer.

Zoe wore a fox mask on her face. Around her shoulders, she wore a fancy, fur coat. For anyone else, it would have stopped her movement, but somehow Zoe managed to move just as swiftly as everyone else. She was Wild Fox.

Sarah wore a black and yellow bodysuit and a matching helmet. She was Sparta.

John Jr. was dressed completely in green, an outfit very similar to the Green Arrows. Hood and all. He was Hawk.

Jupiter would stay behind and operate the computers, so she didn’t change into anything.

Isabella wore a baby blue leather jacket over a black shirt. She had dark yoga pants on, and on her feet, she wore matching baby blue shoes.

Mickey wore an orange jacket with dark pants.

Lee wore leather gloves and a beaded jacket over a blue and black shirt. Her pants were blue and black as well, and her boots were silver.

Cyd’s was fancy, done up all in black and red - leather jacket, crop top, boots, mask, skirt, all of it. She was the Stitch.

Nora and Don wore matching red and gold suits, similar to the Flash’s. They were the tornado twins! The other three didn’t change, because they would stay behind with Jupiter.

Savvy wore a black and blue suit with body armor all over -- shoulder pads, knee pads, steel-toed boots.

Conner wore a black shirt with the iconic Super S on his chest. He was Superboy!

Val wore a black suit with a golden X on her chest.

Cam and Phil didn’t change, opting to stay behind with the other Cortex gang.

Ana wore a silver suit similar to Supergirls. And Blaze wore a blue suit similar to Superman’s.  


Long story short, the S.T.A.R. Labs bathrooms were very crowded.

When everyone was ready, they headed to the telepath's base (nicknamed MRS {Mind ReaderS} by Isabella).

“How are we all going to get there?” Savvy asked Nora, who had somehow become the overall leader (she didn’t know how, but Don was pissed and that pleased her.).

“Well, some of you aliens can fly and carry people with you, Team Nightquiver has some bikes they can share, and the speedsters can run themselves and others over,” she replied and was surprised to find the other teams nodding along.

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