~lilith~ • part 9 •

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Saturday night rolls around and I'm sitting in my room waiting for Jasper to show up. Just for some preface, I have never been on a date before let alone going on a date with someone I've had sex with.

I am positive this night is going to be purely awkward silence and averted glances. I don't even know his birthday, so how does he expect me to be with him for x amount of hours with no significant topic.

Anyways, I am sitting here in a black slip dress and chunky black 'goth' heels. Gotta stay on brand.

There is a knock at the door and I am up on my toes in an instant. I'm ready to get this over with and beating around the bush is not going to achieve that.

My black nail polished finger tips wrapped around my gold (painted) doorknob because I'm worthless trash and opened the door to reveal a rare creature called Jasper.

In his hands were black roses and a black card. He smiled nervously and handed me the flowers and card. Where's the confident, dominant, and demanding Jasper I witnessed last time? Probably found dead with a prepubescent flustered look and an awkward boner.

I smiled back at him as I read the card.


Thank you, for agreeing to spend time with me even though I know you 'aren't that type of girl'. Here are some black roses that represent you in every way possible. Dark and intimidating but gentle and intimate.

Love, Jasper"

"Jasper you're the living embodiment of cheesy." I let out a giggle. A goddamn giggle. Okay no this isn't who Lilith is and I don't like it.

The black roses and card were set on the small mail table by the door and off we were to our surprise destination.

Jasper has yet to speak and we've been walking for quite a few blocks.

"Okay are you going to speak or is this supposed to be a mind-reading date?" I stopped in my place to ensure he would speak to me.

"I-I'm sorry. I just don't want to say anything that would make you regret coming out with me."

I rolled my eyes and decided maybe he isn't used to this either.

"Just be natural Jasper. I like the stupidly intellectual Jasper. The one that makes me fucking giggle. Even though you make my guts twist into shapes because of how cheesy you are and how lactose intolerant I am, I enjoy spending time with you." I crossed my arms and bit back my smile when Jaspers eyes literally twinkled at my honesty.

"Okay okay I got it. We're almost at the location so let's keep walking."

We continued walking for a few more blocks and then he brought me to a diner called "Taste".

It has very retro themes going on because of the neon lights and the bright colors. So we walked in and there was a dance floor in the middle of the diner.

This could be fun. I think. Jasper led me to the counter and a waitress led us to our table. We sat down and pretty much every booth and table was facing toward the dance floor so everyone could watch.

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