~lilith~ • part 2 •

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"Lilith, are you paying attention to me?"

"Yeah sure, whatever the hell you want to believe."

My eyes locked with the older man in front of me. I signed myself up for extra classes in calculus. Despite my stoic demeanor, I was paying attention.

"You can leave if you don't want to pay attention. Remember you signed up for this young lady"

Red filled my vision at the condescending title this prick placed on me.

"I apologize, Mr Evans. But I don't give a fuck about this. Fuck you. Fuck calculus."

The contents inside of my black leather bag shook as I stormed my way through the halls of this unworthy place.

Anger took refuge in my chest. Steaming tears fell from my face, making people stare as I swiped my metro card in the train station. The dirty old bench sitting in front of the train track made it all the more difficult not to jump.

My head hung in my hands as I listened to the chatter of the people trying to get home from work. My shaky hands grasped my cigarette box and lit a cancer stick.

Shaky hands also placed the stick to my lips and I inhaled. Reveling in the feeling of smoke prickling at my throat.

I exhaled and only then did I realize that someone was sitting next to me. Closer than they should've been.

"Hello there." The man spoke to me.

My angry stare should've been enough to push this man out of my vicinity but it wasn't. I focused my gaze forward and ignored this man.

"Why are you smoking? You're too beautiful to smoke. Those things ruin your body."

"Shut the fuck up." I scooted away from this man.

"Sweetheart no need to be so feisty."

Decidedly, I'd had enough of men for the day so I stood up and walked away. The train screeched as it arrived and stalled in front of me.

My feet dragged as I made my way on the train. Luckily for me the man previously harassing me, sat far, far away from me.

A deep sigh left my body and my eyes felt so heavy, I could fall asleep right on this train. I'm not trusting enough to do that though.

My hands fiddled with my fishnets. I finished off the last of my cigarette, before I threw it on the train ground and stepped on it.


My tired feet dragged themselves as I finally made it home. I need to get my fucking motorcycle back.

I pushed my front door open and walked through. When I went to walk upstairs to my room I heard my foster mother call me.

I followed her voice to the living room and the sight before me puzzled me beyond explanation.

My foster father and mother sitting on the couch with a young man in between them. Looking to be about my age.

"What the fuck is happening."

"Lilith please watch your language." I rolled my eyes at my foster fathers statement.

"This is Jasper. The school suggested him as a calculus tutor for you. Y'know after you left your extra calculus class."

The boy looked at me with curious eyes. Probably judging me for the way I'm dressed. I scoffed and said "I don't need a fucking tutor. I'm not some dumbass kid who needs help." I turned around and walked to the staircase.

"Well Lilith it's mandatory. Jasper will join you in your room upstairs and he will help you." My foster mother stated, putting emphasis on 'will'.

Jasper followed me up the stairs and we settled in my room.

I turned on the lights, letting the room be filled with a red hue. Jasper kept his mouth closed and just looked around.

"Sit down."

Jasper sat next to me with his back pack hugging his back. He pulled out a calculus book and I took it from his hands and threw it across the room.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Uh eighteen."

I nodded.

"What's your full name?"

"Jasper Daniel Beckett"

"You fucking suck you know that Jasper dick sucker"

"Y-you're mean." He said looking down at his lap.

I stood up from the bed and pulled my skirt off and my t shirt. Leaving me in just my fishnets and thong.

Jasper took in a deep breath and looked away quickly.

I wasn't stripping for him. I was getting comfortable, Maybe this would scare him off considering I never invited him in my room in the first place.

I pulled my fishnets off and put on some pajama shorts. Leaving my chest bare.

Jasper held his eyes shut before I told him "it's okay to look."

He opened his eyes and immediately closed them again after he saw I was topless.

I chuckled and rolled up herb. I lit it and inhaled so deep I thought I'd choke.
Small coughs escaped my throat and the half empty water bottle on my floor was about to be my savior.

The water bottle was finished so I pulled a t shirt on and grabbed the calculus book. The book was heavy and I placed it carefully on Jaspers lap. He opened his eyes slowly and once he saw I was fully clothed he relaxed. Virgin.

He opened the book to a page filled with equations or something. I stayed quiet and listened to him although it felt as if he were speaking another language.

He wrote down a problem for me to solve and I tried. I really did. But I will not sit here and watch him, watch me like I'm some fucking idiot.

"Stop staring at me, asshole." I spat.

He mumbled a low apology and stared down. Even through the red lighting in my room, I could still see a pink blush gracing his skin.

  I almost smiled.

*• *• *•

The next chapter is coming tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed.

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