~lilith~ • part 5 •

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"Can you shut the fuck up Laura?!"

"Lilith, what are you talking about?"

"The fucking pen! Stop clicking it! You're driving me mad."

Laura turned around in shock and put the pen down.

This practice test is driving me up the wall. I only know half the stuff on here because of Jasper and I haven't seen him in two days. If my 'mom' is still paying him, she'd better stop because he's not helping me at all anymore.

Fuck men. Is that what he wanted all along? A good fuck? If I were a virgin, I'd go to his house and chop his d-

"10 minutes left class!" Ms Harper chimed.

I groaned and guessed on the rest of the questions that I didn't know. When the time ran out I grabbed my bag and quickly started heading out of the door.

Someone had grabbed my arm, so I turned around and saw Matt.

"Hey, Lilith. Happy birthday! I got you this." He reached into his bag and pulled out a wrapped present.

I took it from him and ripped open the wrapping paper like a barbarian. It was a t shirt with the word 'daddy' on it. I genuinely did like the shirt seeming as it was my style, until Matt's mouth opened and blurted out "Yeah you should wear it for me sometime, I could be your daddy."

So many responses flew into my head as my face contorted into the most disgusted grimace I could conjure. I pushed the shirt into his chest and walked away. If people think that giving me gifts is going to make me like them, they're surely mistaken.

Since my mood was ruined from the test and Matt, I decided to just get my lunch and eat it alone. There wasn't much that I liked at lunch, but I decided on a bag of chips and a corn muffin. I sat in the back of the lunchroom by the window and ate in silence until...

"Hey Lilith, I heard it was your birthday so I got you a present!" I turned my head and saw May. The preppiest and most stuck up girl in the school...who is also my best friend.

"Oh yeah you 'heard' it was my birthday did you?" I sat up a bit in my chair and smiled at her.

"Well you know I don't really like you that much anyways." We both laughed at her sarcasm and I opened the present she placed before me. It was in a present box and this time I opened it gently.

I looked inside and saw a really cute pair of doc marten Mary Janes. They had the t- strap and they were definitely my style.

"Thank you May." I smiled and looked down at my tray; picking at the corn muffin.

"What's wrong Lil?"
Only a sigh was able to leave my mouth. There was too much I wanted to say, and so little time.

"Nothing. I uh just...we should hang out sometime. You know other than in school."

"Yeah we should. Like before..."

I nodded and we sat in silence until the bell rang. The silence was comfortable. It was normal for us. There wasn't much we could talk about anymore.

As usual, I left school and went on my way home. Dragging my tired legs as I let my thoughts take over.

Through the door and up the stairs. Down the hall and to the right is a door painted black, per my wishes.

Surprisingly there was a bag on my bed with a birthday card on the side of it.

Before I went into the bag, I opened the card and inside was a letter.

"Since the day we met you, we knew that you were different. You were misunderstood and neglected. We know that you don't like or prefer to live with anyone but yourself. But if there's even a grain of likeness for us in your heart, we consider that a success. If not, we want you to know that we love you! We know that our time with you is running short and you're already one foot out the door. We want to say, happy birthday! To one of the most beautiful and important people we know. ~ Love, Bridgett and Silas."

Carefully I put the card back into the envelope and noticed the $100 bill that was tucked into the envelope. I set the card down and looked into the bag.

Inside was a picture of my mom and I when I was younger. One I'd never seen before. It's almost as if the smiling people in this picture were unrecognizable to me.

The framed picture brought up too many emotions to decipher, so I put it back into the bag and set my gifts under my bed.

I sat on my bed and gathered my soft blanket around my body. I wasn't cold but, I felt that if I stayed there, wrapped in this blanket;

I'd feel warm again.

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