AU : Death | Scarlet Witch's Child

Start from the beginning


Feeling turbulence, you jolted awake to see the Captain looking down at you. You realized your head was on his lap but too hurt too move.

"Where am I?" You asked.

"On the jet going somewhere safe."

Steve raised his eyebrows. "Wait why are you here?  Weren't you with your mom and uncle? Don't forget to mention Ultron?"

"I was supposed to be." You said quietly.

Shrugging your shoulders you replied. "I realized we were doing more wrong than right and didn't support Ultron's ways anymore. I tried telling them that you guys were good. I defended you, but my mothers anger conquered her more sensitive side I guess."

This statement amazed Steve. Some kids couldn't tell the difference. "I'm glad you feel this way." Forgetting you had power blocking cuffs on he asked another question. "If I get these off you, will you promise you won't harm anyone?" He asked.

"I promise on my life. You guys are nice and don't deserve the hate that my family is giving off to you." You genuinely said.

Taking the cuffs off, he went to talk the crew about what recently happened.


Hearing a door open, you thought it was Steve.

"Hi Captain Ame-" Looking up, you saw the one, the only, Tony Stark.

"Hello Stark." You said.

"Why does your family hate me?

"You bombed our country I guess. You killed their parents and destroyed their home. You caused them trauma and grief. Don't forget to mention being broke. Broke as in money wise. After their parents died, they were young like elementary young. They salvaged everything they could." You said with a leveled tone. You were pretty blunt.

"I-I'm Sorry. I'm sorry for the pain and suffering I caused."

"It's ok Mr.Stark." You gave Stark a sad smile.

(Skip to Sokovia)

You saw Pietro rush to Hawkeye. Clint was running to the little boy in the rubble. Your uncle was caught in the moment and ran to help him.

"You didn't see that coming."

"Clint you old man! Get ove-"

Walking over, saw Pietro's body on the rubble. Tears falling down your beautiful eyes.

Guilt was spreading throughout Clint. "H-he saved me. I wasn't quick enough."

You had enough. You just lost your uncle and the man with many talents couldn't save him. This made you angry.
"Shut up! Shut up! Just please! Go... just go!"

Clint ran of the one of the carriers. As he was running he didn't see the robot coming his way. Even though you were angry, you didn't want anyone else to die.

Running over to Hawkeye, you tried using your powers but were inactive due to losing your connection to your uncle. Instead of letting Clint be stabbed, you took the hit.

Hearing the stabbing sound, Clint violently turned around.

"I'm sorry. I forgive you."

Rolling over to your uncle's body and held his hand waiting to die with him.

Instead of this, Captain took his body explaining that he would come and save you. What he didn't know was that Sokovia was falling right now.

The ground shook before you and you turned to see Steve looking at you.

"Help me." You whispered.

Reaching your hand in the air for help, you fell.

You saw Vision catch Wanda. Your mother also caught a glimpse of you.

She looked at you and said nothing. Your worst fear finally happend. Falling into the abyss came true. You were going to die alone.

That was all you saw before you fell to your death.


I don't like this one.

- BingeReaderMarvel

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