Chapter 10 - Real Imaginative

Start from the beginning

I parked my car down the street from the building. A large flashing green sign reading 'The Club' shone in the now fading light.

Although it was only six o'clock the nightclub was already buzzing with activity. Men in expensive suits were being led out of back doors by woman in talk heels. Others were sitting in groups chatting in hushed whispers. It was easy to tell that this wasn't a nice place.

The carpet stuck to my feet as I walked due to stale beer spilled too many times. Heading straight over to the bar I ordered myself a beer after choosing a seat where I could survey the whole bar. It wasn't hard to spot Shano and his guys. They were sitting in the back of the club, huddled around a table. Shano sat back, an expensive watch glittering on his wrist as he watched the others chat seriously. He looked at complete ease. If only he knew what was coming.

I was onto my second beer by the time Jason Evans and his posy strolled into the bar like they owned the place. Instantly, everyone's eyes were on the group who were now walking towards Shano. The room quickly emptied, people knew trouble was coming. I tried to act innocent, as if I had no idea how bad these two groups were. Pretending to focus on my beer, I stayed on my stall. In fact, I was concentrating on what was being said.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Shano spat as he stood up threateningly, easily towering above Evans. He didn't look intimated though. Instead he seemed the picture of complete ease as he leaned casually on a chair.

"Just wanted a chat Shano," Evans shrugged like what he was requesting was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Not after last time," Shano's fury was getting the better of him. His face was red and the vein on his forehead was popping as he tried to keep his anger in control.

"That's in the past," Evans said simply.

"And so is any hope of us ever having a chat." Shano's voice was getting louder and louder. "Now get out of my club," he said with finality. Evans just ignored him.

The club was deserted now. It was just the bartender and me left watching the two groups like hawks.

"You're right, there is no chance of us talking," Evans concluded. His relaxed presence disappearing being replaced by one of pure intimidation. Before I could even see what was happening he raised a gun from the back of his jeans. Instantly, everyone else pulled out a gun expect for Shano who was the a target of Evans' weapon.

My gaze was now focused on the men before me, not bothering to be interested on the now forgotten beer. One of the men by Evans caught my eye.

"Don't you think we should get rid of any..." He paused as if to find the right word. "Witnesses."

All eyes were now on me. I kept my face straight. Suddenly, one of Evans' men broke from the group. His gun now pointed at me. I felt my heart drop. It was him with the eyes. I raised my hands, as I started to back away. Maybe he didn't recognise me. I pulled my sleeve down to cover the bandage which was still wrapped around my forearm.

"He's a cop."


I kept backing away.

"I think you've got the wrong person mate," I said with a shrug.

"No I haven't," he countered. "I shot you just a week ago. Come to get your revenge?"

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