The kiss of death.

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3rd person point of view.

John and baby doll were still in the room both were looking into the huge mirror, none said a thing they were both enjoying the little bit of silence they had, baby doll looked to see the dog looking in the mirror tilting his head, John looked over to her smiling down to the dog and something in him made him turn around so he was facing her.

"John?" Baby doll went to look over to John to see him starring into her eyes, she didn't know what to do, he was standing so close no guy has ever been this close to her other then when she's ready to kill or back at the orphanage and she blocked that out for the most part. She can feel his breath against her cheek and suddenly she was feeling something she's never felt before, she couldn't pin point what it was but her heart was beating so fast that's all she could hear.

Just kiss her! John yelled at himself and then said fuck it placing his lips against her's it started off slow both of them still unsure about this whole ordeal, he could feel how tense she was so just like he did with his wife when she was nervous he pulled her closer which made her deepen the kiss then it started to get better for both of them his lips were a little rough but not to rough, while her lips were soft which John more then enjoyed, the taste was intoxicating for the both of them, losing them self's in the kiss slowly they both backed away from one another neither said a word as they struggled to regain control of their breathing. John and baby doll both wondered one thing and one thing only.

How could such a small kiss affect both of them so much?

John was starring into baby doll's eyes he wanted more. No! He needed more so once again he pulled her in without a moment to spare he pressed his lips to her's once again, this time both of them more confident then before, baby doll felt John's tongue swipe against her lips knowing what that meant she slightly opened her lips granting him access, he grabbed the back of baby doll's thigh's successfully sitting her on the counter top without breaking the kiss, he got in between her legs just so she could feel how aroused he was for her in this moment, she moved forward causing a little friction for John which caused him to let out a sound that matched one of a growl, John went to slide her shirt off when...




They both pulled back looking to one another and once again trying to regain composer, baby doll was starring into John's eyes she's never felt anything like that before and it scare's her.

"Hello." John answers the phone after adjusting his pant's.

"Winston is requesting to speak with baby doll."

"We are on our way out now." John said then hung up the phone, he looked into the kitchen to see baby doll not there so he walked to the bathroom where baby doll was fixing her makeup and looking to herself in the mirror.

"It was for me." Baby doll says and John nods. "Well lets go." She says grabbing her knife's, her John and the dog walked out the room and instead of taking the elevator they all walked down the stairs.

"Hello." Charon says and baby doll nods a little.

"Charon mind watching the dog?" John asked and Charon looked down to the dog.

"No problem Mr.Wick." Charon says. "Is he well behaved?" Charon ask.

"Yes." John says and Charon nods, John walks the dog to Charon's side. "Stay." He says then John and baby doll walk down the stair's to the bar where Winston is sitting with another male that John and baby doll know.

"Hey John." Aurelio says then looks to baby doll. "So the rumors are true baby doll and John wick have finally found one another." Aurelio says and baby doll just looked to Winston.

"John, Aurelio would you give me a second with baby doll here?" Winston ask.


"Yes." Aurelio and John speak at the same time. "John? It's Winston." Aurelio says and John just looks at Aurelio letting him know to walk away, which Aurelio happily obliged. John sat next to baby doll and Winston looked between them smirking.

"Now baby doll I was informed you had a incident?" Winston says.

"A incident, that's all it was." Baby doll says taking the bottle and pouring herself a cup.

"I don't like incident's." Winston says.

"And I don't like nosy people, sorry Winston in life you need to deal." Baby doll says and John watches her in a trance no one has dared speak to Winston that way.

"I see." Winston nodded sitting back and lifting his glass. "How about we have a drink.. And relax." He says raising his glass and taking a sip.

"I'll relax when I kill D'Antonio." Baby doll says sitting back.

"Why? You know once you kill him there will be just another Santino." Winston says and baby doll shakes her head.

"Then I'll just kill him. Do you see where this is going Winston?" Baby doll says and Winston shakes his head.

"I know you been through a lot baby doll but rules are rules in the Continental if you kill inside here you will be haunted down, and killed." Winston says sitting forward losing all of his cool and calm aura replacing it with an angry and dark one, baby doll took a deep breath cracking her neck.

"You can haunt me down and find me, it's about taking and keeping me." Baby doll stood up and John did the same.

"And what John, your going to go against the rules here for a house?" Winston said and John stopped baby doll turned around glaring at Winston.

"That was no house Winston." John says leaning down to his level baby doll seen Winston's men taking steps forward so she jumped in front of John and lifted her sword.

"Try something! I promise I will kill you in this bullshit hotel." Baby doll spit while Winston and John were having a starring contest.

"That was a home." John sat up lightly taking baby doll's hand as they both backed out the hotel not turning there back before they were out the bar area and in the lobby.


Word count: 1099.

Baby & John. (John wick fan-fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang