"Ms! Ms!"

Namjoon frantically yelled. The maid noticed him and stopped what she was doing.


She asked with her head tilted.

"Jin.. Pets.. Eaten.."

Namjoon said through every pant. The maids eyes widen and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Oh my! Where is he?!"

"Follow me!"

Namjoon said. The maid followed Namjoon and gulped seeing the Cerberus's den. They both went inside and sees the three heads still all together, still circling around Jin but two idiots didn't know.

"Quick! Go there!"

Namjoon said as he pushed the demon maid. The woman contemplated but still did what she was told.

One head noticed her, she flinched and froze on her spot.

"G-good pet.."

She whispered as she looked away and extended her hand in front of the head. The pet bit her arm.

Namjoon widen his eyes and so did the maid's. The maid screamed as Namjoon did too. The other two heads popped their heads out and roars at the maid. They approach her while Jin was seen again.

Namjoon watched in horror as the Cerberus pet ripped threw the woman in the air and ripped her into pieces.

Jin watched too, shocked.

Namjoon screamed and pointed. Jin quickly ran to him and walked him out of the den and closed the big doors.

"Namjoon, what the hell?! Why'd you bring a maid in there?!"

"S-she's dead..!"

Namjoon cried. Jin sighed and slightly felt bad for the maid. That maid was Junmyeon's personal one. They are in so much trouble.

"Namjoon, demons can't die. Expect if Jungkook kills them... Yeah, she was ripped into pieces but she'll be back alive.. After.."

"After what?!"

"After they take on their business.."

Namjoon's eyes widen and then scrunched his face in disgust. Jin sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Why did you even bring her in the first place?"

Jin aksed, a little bit pissed. Namjoon winced from his tone and looked down.

"I-I'm sorry.. I panicked when I didn't see you.. I thought they ate you.."

Namjoon quietly said as he slightly pouted and played with his fingers.

Jin's eyes softens.

".. Thanks for the worry, but I won't die. I can kill demons too."

"Huh? But you said only Jungkook can kill demons only..?"

Jin smirked.

"I have some tricks."

Jin winked. Namjoon blushed and looked away. They suddenly heard footsteps catching their attention.

"Hey guys. I have been looking for Lucy, my personal maid. Have you guys seen her?"

Junmyeon asked while scratching his head. Namjoon's eyes widen and so did Jin's.


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