Crutchy's New Friend

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Modern AU (No specific spot in the timeline just make it up.) Quick props to all of my peeps who have submitted an OC to this book(btw, you can too!!!!!!! I would love to see more!!!!), Thanks Santa_Fe for allowing me the use of Falcon, BeckyMerari1808 for allowing me the use of Katie, and 23gatkins for allowing me to include Pups into this book!! (Pups made her debut appearance in the last oneshot, if you haven't, I would suggest giving it a peek.) I do not own any of the character that I have just mentioned, they all belong to the peeps that I just mentioned. You should go check them out!!! They are really cool writers and readers on Wattpad. Anyways, you're here for a one shot, so here goes nothing.

Crutchy had days where all he wanted to do was walk around Manhattan without a care in the world. It was Christmastime and Crutchy had no idea on what to get any of the boys. Between Albert stealing Race's coveted cigar and Romeo having a fight with Mush about whose girl was cuter, Crutchy decided it was time to get some air. Somedays he had no idea how Jack didn't lose his mind. School kept every single one of them busy and the apartment felt a little small sometimes when there were twenty something other boys living there. Christmas was a very stressful time for all of them and Jack repeatedly assured everyone that if they didn't have the money, they didn't have to do Christmas presents. Crutchy didn't have any money this year and the cold December weather had made his leg hurt more than usual. He barely did school during the day which meant that he never had enough energy to earn any kind of money. It was the same daily routine, wake up, talk to Jack, get ready for school, survive school, go home, do homework, and sleep until it was time to repeat the whole process over again. Until today that is. Crutchy had gotten frustrated with the monotonous routine and decided that it was time for a change. A change such as going on a walk. Crutchy hurried through the crowds, his mind swirling at a quick speed with all of those thoughts. Why did the holidays have to be so stressful? Suddenly, his phone vibrated a few dozen times in his pocket. The girls were texting the guys to see if they could hang out. Flavi, Falcon, Katie, and Pups all seemed to be hanging out around them more. Crutchy could not really figure out why, but he shoved that odd feeling down as his cell phone slid back into its pocket. He turned into an alleyway when suddenly, he heard a loud MEOW!!! Crutchy looked around nervously and said,

"Hello?" Nobody answers. Crutchy looked around again. No one was waiting for him in the shadows except for a little kitten. The kitten was brown, longhaired, and was very skinny. It walked up to Crutchy and rubbed up against him. Crutchy's heart went out to the little cat. He slowly leaned down and scooped up the little kitty. Scratching the little cat's head, Crutchy started to look around the busy New York streets for its owner. A quick look at the cat's rear end told him that the cat was a girl. Crutchy looked at the small cat and smiled. Jack never said that he couldn't have a cat. Crutchy kept petting the little cat and looked around for any sign of an owner. He knew that there were a lot of strays that hung around in the city, but he never knew he would stumble upon one so soon. Crutchy had had a thing for cats. He had never owned one, but he loved to play with any kitten whenever he could. Maybe he could persuade Jack to let him have a kitten just for once. He would take good care of it and he would make sure that it never caused trouble. His phone vibrated again. This time, Jack's name appeared on the screen.

Jack: Where are you? I haven't seen you in two and a half hours.

Crutchy: Went for a little walk and I think I found an early Christmas present for you and the boys.

Jack: Good! Money's been tight this year. Is it going to last long in the apartment?

Crutchy: Of course! I'll come home soon, promise.

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