The Girl With the Journal

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Modern AU (pick wherever you want in the timeline for this one)

Her journal had become one of her best friends over the years. Sure, she had real friends and yes, they were nice, but nothing could take the place of her precious journal. Everywhere she was, the journal was there also. It was always in a number of places. Residing in her purple laptop bag, in her stylish colorful backpack, her small stack of school things or even protruding from her too tiny pocket, the journal was always a necessity. She often wrote in it daily. No one got to look in it and peruse the contents. Everyone in the entire high school knew that she was a phenomenal writer and they understood how much she loved to write. Whenever they saw her writing in the journal, they always assumed that she was writing prejudiced ideas about them and how they were not worthy to be friends with this great individual. Her fellow classmates had no idea that they were wrong. In fact, they were entirely wrong. The journal was simply a place for her to express herself when she could not explain her feelings to those around her. Sure, she had real friends, human friends, but there was only so much about her that they could understand or that she wanted to tell them. She occasionally lived by the saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." It wasn't that she was enemies with them, she just would have picked a different social circle to be a part of. Her friends were the kind of people who always had a significant other, always wore expensive clothing, had the newest piece of technology, and strived to be loved by the entire school. She had a lot to tell them. Oh, if only she could give them a piece of her mind. High school was not all about dating, popularity, fancy clothing, and having the newest piece of technology. She just wanted friends who loved her for her, not for her high status in society. These people praised her for her status and not for who she was. Not that she really wanted praise for anything anyways. Today, she sits down at lunch at her usual lunch table and opens her journal. It has been a long day already. Her Spanish test had stressed her out more than she cared to admit and all she wants to do is tune out the world for a little bit. Clicking her pen with purple colored ink on, she starts to write. Words flow from the pen about anything and everything. Her friends begin to sit down at the table. Lucy, one of the girls that she is closest to, sits down next to her.

"Hey, Kath. What'cha writing?" Lucy asks, but all Katherine can hear is the whispers of gossip that float about the table, reminding her where she is and why she can't just leave. Katherine turns back to Lucy and closes the journal on her index finger, so she can keep writing once Lucy decides to leave her alone.

"Oh nothing. Just some ideas that I had," Katherine responds quickly. She wasn't lying. There were ideas that she had had in her notebook. Katherine scans the room and starts to think. Why did it have to be this way? Lucy, to Katherine's surprise, sees some of the more popular girls and walks over to them. She talks to them like she is best friends with them. As much as Katherine does not feel like she fits in, Lucy was a person that Katherine felt attached to and enjoyed being with. Lucy does not pay Katherine half a mind as she chats with the more popular girls. Sure, Katherine's group is pretty popular, but there are definitely more popular girls than those that are in her group. Katherine opens her journal again and scoots out her chair. She doesn't care if her friends gossip about her anymore, let them. Starting right where she left off, Katherine begins to write the story of her current situation. Suddenly, a thick New York accent pulls her out of her writing and her thoughts.

"Well, dat sounds like high school drama ta me," the voice says and Katherine jumps a little bit. The pen clatters out of her hand and it falls to the cafeteria floor. The voice, which was most definitely a boy's, breaks through the air again. "I'se got it!" The boy says and Katherine turns around. A tall boy with dark hair and hazel eyes stands behind her, holding her pen out to her. Katherine snatches it from his hand and presses the journal to her chest.

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