All That Jazz

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A/N: 1920s AU. Based on a headcanon I have/have seen like once in kind of a weird fic on that Mush would play clarinet. I don't know if OCs are gonna be in or not but I'll go ahead and just give credit where credit's due. Katie belongs to BeckyMerari1909, Falcon belongs to Runner_Weirdo, Pups belongs to 23gatkins, and Aly belongs to heythatsmycigar18!! Thank you so much to Nycnewsgirl for putting up with me going on about this random headcanon that like one of many lives rent free in my mind and for actually helping me come up with some pieces of this oneshot. This one's for you!!! :) Also, I think All That Jazz is a song title or something. I don't own it so please don't sue.

Jack Kelly tiredly climbs a fire escape on an apartment building, his arms threatening to rip from his shoulder sockets and the night sky calling him to sleep. He sighs as he pulls himself up to a window a couple of levels up on the fire escape and gently knocks on it.

A pretty young woman flings open the window, her curly hair wild with the humidity in the air.

"Are you ever going to knock on my door and come in like a normal person?" she asks him. Jack just shuts her up with a kiss to her lips. She breaks the kiss but they stay close to each other.

"Ya gonna let me in?" he asks, his lips practically still on hers as he asks this. The woman merely leans her forehead up against his and sighs. Her breath tickles Jack's mouth and he closes the distance between the two of them again, his lips passionately pressing into hers. The kiss is absolutely intoxicating and as she starts to kiss back, Jack deepens it, his hand moving to wrap around her waist and pull her close to the window. She breaks the kiss again, not wanting things to get too passionate, especially since people could still see them.

"Jack...." she breathes as he starts to press kisses to her cheek. He pulls away for a minute and gently cups her cheek.

"Sorry, Ace," he says, "Probably wasn't what you were expectin when ya opened the window." His thumb rubs circles on her cheek as he takes in her features. She moves aside to let him in and Jack steps through the window before pulling it shut behind him.

"So, how was work?" she asks as the two of them start to walk to her living room.

"Exhausting," Jack says as he unceremoniously flops down on her couch, "All this gang business is tirin."

"It makes for good stories," she says, "Except the series of cases having to do with the Pasketti gang have dried up recently. Some of my superiors were threatened and I was told to stop writing stories about them or bad things would happen."

"Haven't gotten any good busts lately," Jack says moodily, "All these gangs are payin big money to people who find out too much to keep their mouths shut and if they kill those people, they pay big money to keep people from squealin on who did it. We live in such a strange world." She nods her head in agreement.

"I've heard rumors at the paper that a coalition of police officers is looking for some....outside help to bust a group of gangsters," she says after a moment, "They run a speakeasy near where your group's 'headquarters' are."

"Katherine, what do you want me to do about it?" he asks, "I spent all day at headquarters and I'm gonna have to go back there after I'm done seein you."

"Jack!" Katherine insists, "No one else can bust this gang but you and your boys! I'd even help if you wanted me to." Jack sits up from his lounging and points a finger at her.

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