Chapter 11 - Darkness Falls

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Special Note: The beautiful artwork for this chapter was created by my wonderful friend, CorolineThePheonix. I just love the moonlight creeping in through the window. So gorgeous.

*Author's Notes: I've finally returned with a new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge.' So sorry for making everyone wait an extra week on this, but as some of you already know, last week marked the one-year anniversary of me posting the epilogue of my story 'Lost in the Fight.' In honor of the milestone, I decided to post a bonus chapter for that story and hold off on my 'Slash's Revenge' update for a few days.

I hope this chapter is worth the little extra wait...

Shout outs to my creative consultant, Captain Vegeta, and my beta reader, Joanne N. Grey. They're the peanut butter to my jelly. I love them both with all my heart.

Thanks so much for reading, everyone! ;) CJ


Chapter 11 – Darkness Falls

Donnie would've found the mental picture amusing if he wasn't one hundred percent certain Slash would take his anger out on him. Instead, it was just one more thing for the kidnapped turtle to stress over...

While he once again listened to Slash's thunderous, apartment-shaking snoring, Donnie curled up on the bottom of his prison cell in a futile attempt to get comfortable. The confines of his cage didn't allow him the liberty to stretch his long legs all the way out and his numerous injuries made it impossible to find a position where at least some part of him wasn't in pain.

Sleep never came easy, if at all...

Donnie's first night there had actually been his most restful one. Of course, that was only because he had slipped in and out of consciousness all night long, and even into part of the following morning. Slash 'treating' his injuries that first night had taken a serious toll on Donatello's body. The bigger mutant's bedside manner definitely left something to be desired, but Donnie had to give him a little bit of credit. Slash had somehow managed to pop the brainy turtle's left arm back into its socket.

Once Slash had finished yanking on Donatello's arm, he had made quick, agonizing work of treating the genius turtle's other wounds. Ironically, Donnie had gained several additional injuries during Slash's ministrations, but none of these wounds were quite as severe as the grave shoulder or leg injury that continued to plague the brainiac turtle.

The next two nights had been slightly less painful. Heavy emphasis on the word 'slightly.' After Slash put him to 'bed' for the evening, Donnie had laid on the floor, wide awake, right up until the time he was violently dragged out of his cage for his mandated morning 'training' sessions. Donatello had come to cynically think of these sessions as 'whack-a-turtle time.' The strange need to put a name to his daily torture regimen must have been Mikey's bad influence rubbing off on him.

On the fourth night, Donnie had been kicked into the cage rather than thrown; a noticeably unpleasant change of pace. Upon his rather rough landing, Donatello had just laid there, staring at the wall, too injured to move. Eventually – and mercifully – he had passed out from exhaustion, and perhaps, one too many blows to the head that day.

This was his fifth night of living in captivity and sleep was eluding him once again. He was currently lying on his side with his head nestled up against his uninjured shoulder. Well, his less injured shoulder. At this point, he was pretty sure there wasn't a body part on him that didn't have some type of injury from his many beatings. Even his toes were bruised...

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