‡ Chapter 25 ‡

Start from the beginning

“I try my best,” he smirked.

“Enough!” I said.  “Just leave before I fucking murder you!” 

“Alright,” he said, that magical smile remaining.  “’Till we meet again, darling.”  He then leaned over, swopped in for a butterfly kiss that had my toes curl and rolled off.  The moment he was running, I sat up but he was already near the edge of the loading deck. 

“You can’t use that cliché line! That’s not right!” I shouted pathetically. 

I kid you not, the man turned his head and winked before leaping off the plane.  

My heart skipped a beat and I immediately rushed to the border, tittering to a halt to find him with his arms spread, the gravity bracelets easing him down.  A plane swooped him up on his descent and the clouds devoured his existence, as if he were never here.  

I wish he were never here. 

My gaze rested on the clouds below, shooting tingles to my wiggling feet at the big drop.  I could end this.  I could end this all now.  Just one step. 

A hand snatched me from behind and I grasped their wrist, twisting them to lean them over the aircraft, their arms against their back. 

“Wildcat!” wheezed Romane, blond hair flying up. 

My eyes amplified and I yanked him backwards, having us stumble.  “Sorry, sorry.”  I crazily shook my head.  “I didn’t know—”

“What are you doing here?!” he cried out.  Fury was written across his features, creases of his forehead meeting.  “I told you to get some rest!”

I opened my mouth to tell him about Levi, but what came out was, “I wanted to sit on the edge.” 

He was yelling now.  “On the edge of the moving plane?!” 

“I-I—” My expression darkened.  “Yes. On the edge of the plane.  Problem?” 

“Yes! I would rather not have you die.”  His burning gaze dropped to the lump in my pants.  “What is that?

Heat streamed to my neck and I gathered Levi must have stuffed the gun in my pants while I was under his spell.  “It’s...” 

His feet madly tapped.  “It’s what?!” 

“My erectіon,” I said.

The man turned whiter than Edward Cullen humpіng a polar bear.  “Your...what?  But how?”

“Clouds turn me on.”

Shock delivered a smack to his face.  “...Clouds.  Turn you. On.”

Super Bad (Completed 2013)Where stories live. Discover now