Chapter 11: Family Reunion

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I groaned as I saw that I was actually being carried by Dad. "Uh, Dad?" I ask him. 

Dad embraces me, "Awe, Melody. I was so afraid we lost you." 

I saw Mom, who was freed by Morgana's spell. The more I thought about it , I realized now that she was trying to protect me. 

"I'm so sorry, Mother. I didn't mean for anything of this to happen." I apologized to her, hugging her. 

She seems relief that I was awake, but she said, softly, "No, we should be the one who apologize , sweetie. 

We should've told you the whole truth." 

That was when I realize that Harmony was hiding. She must been scared , scared of meeting our parents. 

"There is someone else who should be joining us. Wait right here." I said to my parents who was totally confused by my words. 

I saw Harmony who was hiding. 


Undertow ask, "Why you just approach them, Harmony? There are your family." 

I look at the shark, "How should I say to them, Undertow? I barely know them, and I barely know Melody, my own sister!" 

That was when Melody said, "It doesn't change anything, Harmony. " 

She came towards me, and reassuring me, "Harmony, you're part of the family. I didn't realize how much you meant to me. 

Even when the Sea Wall was built, I felt something was missing, and I didn't know what it was.

But now I know. It was you, Harmony. 

We're twins, and that would never change." 

I smiled at her, as we embraced in a tight hug. 

"Ready to be finally reunited with our parents.. sis?"

I took a deep breath as Melody and I went to our parents. 

"Mom, Dad, you probably wouldn't believe it. Ready for a little surprise?" Melody asks, as I peek behind her, as both of our parents gasped in total amazement. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to put anyone in danger. I guess I'm not good as a girl or a mermaid." I sighed. 

Mom chuckles, "Oh, Harmony, sweetie. It doesn't matter if you have fins or feet or your how your appearance should be. 

We both love of who you are in the inside. Our very brave girls." 

"Just like your mother was." 

Melody and I exclaimed, hugging him for the first time in twelve years, "Oh, Grandfather!" 

Melody and I exclaimed, hugging him for the first time in twelve years, "Oh, Grandfather!" 

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Grandfather was smiling as we continue our reunion . 

It feel so new to me,  of being with Melody and our family. 

Grandfather lets us go as he said, "Now, Harmony, Melody, I really don't blame both of you of wanting to join us Merfolk, but because you are my grandchildren, I'm going to give you both a special gift. 

A choice, you can to Atlantica with me, or you both can finally return home on land. 

It's up to you." 

I thought for a moment, "Wait, I did miss out Melody's birthday, I have to give her something first before making a big decision." 

I said, "I wish to become a mermaid." 

Everyone was amazed of my transformation, as I jumped into the sea and found the same seashell that works just like my magical amulet. 

I jumped, as I transform back into a human. "Mel, this is my late birthday gift. This amulet allows you to transform into a mermaid or human. Morgana gave it to me as an infant and I wore it ever since." 

I place it over her. "Thanks, sis. I really treasure it. There is also something I want to do , that would make things special for the both of us, and I need to borrow the trident, Grandfather." 

Undertow was confused, "Wait, Melody, what you planning to do with Triton's trident anyway?"

Melody reassures him, "Don't worry, Undertow, It's a special homecoming treat for Harmony." 

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