1 ‣ can't say no

Start from the beginning

"No—the last time I let you study with me, you didn't even study. You just distracted me and kept doing dumb stuff. I almost failed that test because of you."

"You're exaggerating! A fucking ninety-one point three isn't 'almost failing', come on! Please. I'll actually study this time, I need it." Jungkook goes as far as grabbing your arm, causing you to actually turn your head and look at him with furrowed brows and a slightly annoying gaze. The tone in his voice is a tone you're much too familiar with; he uses it every time he asks you for help.

You sigh. "No." You say with no real conviction. It isn't in you to say no. He knows this. He raises his eyebrows as if challenging you. "No." You repeat. He twists his lips, tilting his head a little. "Hmph," you look away. "Fine." You mutter. A smile already begins portraying itself on those lips he untwists. You always do this. "The second you start slacking off, I'm kicking you out. Alright?" You tell him sternly.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He grins stupidly. "For real, thank you so much—I knew I could count on you," he uses your nickname as if you were that close. "You're the best." Jungkook chirps, jumping out of Mya's seat, happy and not even the slightest bit surprised that he was able to convince you to save his grade once again.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." You wave him off, more annoyed at yourself than at him.

And so, class commences.

— • —

"What were you talking to her for?" Jaebyung refers to you within his casual curiosity, half-distractedly doodling a baseball on his note paper. Mr. Johnson had just started his ramble on today's topic, but the young man was too busy perfecting the stitch lines on his lopsided doodle. Jaebyung had, however, noticed how Jungkook had both his hands wrapped around your arm as he walked in earlier.

"I'm going over to the S-10 building today to study for this stupid test with her." Jungkook mutters to his friend while he fidgets with his fancy silver pen, not even bothering to at least make it look like he's paying attention. He rarely ever does. Why should he? "She agreed to let me study with her again." Jungkook grins.

"Again?" Jaebyung asks, furrowing his brows and looking down at you while you're completely focused on Mr. Johnson's voice and what he writes quickly on the board. You've always been that girl, the one who documents everything no matter how insignificant it may seem. It exhausted his hands just looking at you.

"Mhm." Jungkook answers him smugly. "Didn't I tell you already? She can't say no to me."

"Man, whatever." Jaebyung laughs. Jungkook laughs a little, too, looking over while Jaebyung shakes his head at his words. "Have you hit it yet?" Jaebyung asks, looking down at you once again as you quickly type notes in your laptop, trying hard to keep up with Mr. Johnson's fast spoken words.

"Uh—no, not yet." Jungkook hesitates. "She's playing hard to get right now."

"Damn, so she's one of those?" Jaebyung asks, looking over at his friend. "That's tough."

"Yeah." Jungkook shifts in his seat, a little uncomfortably. "I have patience, though."

"Well, yeah, she's hot. And she's really smart, too. Easy pass for this class if you get her in the bag." Jaebyung chuckles, looking over at Mr. Johnson who draws diagrams on the whiteboard.

"Right." Jungkook nods, looking down at you.

— • —

"Did you understand any of that?" Mya asks, packing up her items as Mr. Johnson dismisses class. "God knows I didn't." She shakes her head, exhaling a frustrated sigh. She's a beautiful girl, long, dark hair that falls in soft waves and frames her round face perfectly. She wore glasses until not too long ago, which you always thought were cute. She's smart, very smart. Athletic and social, too. An all rounder, if you will. "This unit's kicking my ass." She sulks.

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