Chapter 5

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• Zelenia •

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• Zelenia •

I nervously rub my hands over my legs while looking at the ground, waiting for Lux to start talking. I had no idea what he is going to tell me and the unknown has always been scary for me.

"How much do you know about our kind?" he asks me after a pregnant silence. I just shrug, indicating I don't really know anything. "This is the first time I have ever met someone like me, I honestly thought I was on my own in this. Luciana doesn't know much either."

"Luciana is your.. Wolf?" Lux asks me. "Just say yes. I don't know why but he can't know just yet" Luciana whispers. "Yes" I say, trusting Luciana.

"Right. There are a lot of us, you're not alone. Let me just say that all the fantasy stories humans have are mostly true. Shapeshifters do exist, so do vampires, witches, demons, sirens and so on. I will tell you about the other races later on but I think we should stick with our own race for now."

Vampires? Witches? Demons? That's a very scary thought. Have I ever met them?

Ignoring my internal struggle to come to terms with what I just heard, I nod. 

"Shifters come in all shapes and sizes. Most of them stay together, forming packs, nests, prides, flocks. Depending on the animal, they have a  they own kind of hierarchy. Like I said, i'm the Alpha of my pack. I have a Beta, my second in command and five guards who protect me and my Luna.

"My first guard is in my case also my Delta. She makes sure to deliver messages to fellow Alpha's. She is basically my secretary." Lux chuckles and I see that he is having an inside joke about something. I almost smile, happy that he is happy for some reason.

"My second, together with my third guard are both Zeta's. They are basically my warriors and they are the elite that train my other pack members to make sure we are always ready when problems start to arise."

I gulp, wondering how dangerous my world actually is if they need to have trained pack members. From the corner of my eye, I can see Lux looking at me. I've felt his stare since the moment he started talking and my insides are a mess. Luciana is at point of delirium, i've never felt her so happy before. The longer i'm around Lux, the happier she gets and I have no idea why.

"My fourth and fifth are both Epsilons, they are in command of the safe guards and are in charge of keeping my pack safe at all times. They also train my pack members, alongside my Zeta's.

"Than I have my Shaman, not every pack has one. They come with extraordinary abilities. Mine has the ability to heal others, so she is our Healer. Shamans have serious traditions they have to follow. One of which is to never cut their hair. The mostly have red hair as well, making them easier to spot. The are rare in our species and need to be protected at all times. 

"The ranks depends on the pack itself. Sometimes there are two Delta's for example, instead of the one I have."

I look up when Lux, stops speaking and find him staring at me, some sort of longing in his eyes that scares me. I look away and wait for him to continue. I hear him sigh before he starts talking again.

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