We drove to my apartment so I could pack some clothes for the weekend as I was staying at Brax's house. I was happy to be staying at Brax's as I hadn't been to his house yet. I really wanted to see what it was like. Knowing Brax because he had money, he would have some sort of mansion with thousands of bedrooms.

Be patient. You'll find out soon Addy.

I grabbed a duffel bag and threw in some clothes and my other essentials. While I was there I changed out of my work clothes into something a lot more comfortable. Once I was ready Brax and I headed to the hospital to see Arthur Brax's dad.

Getting to the hospital Arthur was in good spirits that we were there even though he looked drawn and poorly, this horrible disease was taking its toll on Arthur's body but he was smiling, he's spirit was not gone for now. We had spent most of the evening with Arthur talking, laughing and just enjoying each other's company.

While Brax was outside talking to the nurse Arthur held my hand "it's not going to be long now. That's what the nurse is discussing with Brax." He said quietly, he's lip quivering. Tears sprang to my eyes and gathered at the bottom of my eyes ready to spill over. "I don't want to leave my boy so soon. Love him for me." Arthur said tears rolling on to his cheeks.

"I will." I said squeezing Arthur's hand as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I hastily wiped my cheeks as Brax entered the room looking drawn and sad with red eyes. He shoulders were slumped. He looked between he's father and I and slumped into the chair next to his dads bed pulling me on to his lap, he held his dads hand as he cried quietly against my shoulder being shielded by my hair. I held Arthur's other hand as we all shed tears.

"How long son?" Arthur said breaking the silence between the three of us.

Brax cleared his throat. "The nurse says two weeks the most." He mumbled defeatedly. "They will do everything to make sure you're comfortable but it will be soon."

"Ok son." Arthur sighed.

We spent a couple more hours with Arthur which was past visiting hours due to the news we had been given. We spent the rest of the visit talking about the business side of things. Arthur wanted to make sure that everything was sorted before he went. Everything seemed to be in place that needed to be. From today Brax promised Arthur that he would be in to see him everyday.

The ride back to Brax's house was very quiet but it wasn't an awkward quiet. I held his hand in mine as he drove to his. He needed time to process everything that was said this evening and I let him have that time. We pulled up to a secured gate, Brax punched in some numbers on the key pad of the intercom and the gates opened. He squeezed my hand and looked at me "Are you ready to see my house?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled at him giving his hand a squeeze back.

We drove up the drive way, my eyes open wide and my mouth agape. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of my face. "This is your house?" I asked even though I knew it was his. He nodded as he parked the car in front of it and got out walking round to open my door. I stepped out of the car slowly taking in the stunningness in front of me. Yes that's right Brax's house was fucking stunning. It was huge, in fact it was easily ten times bigger than my small apartment.

The building was basked in a light glow from the floor lighting around the edges of the house and the lights from the gorgeous water fountain in the middle of the driveway. Walking in through the front door was a spacious foyer which housed a beautiful crystal chandelier and a modern curved staircase to the right of the foyer. I walked into a huge gorgeous open plan kitchen/dinning room to the left of the foyer. It was decked out in the state of the art kitchen appliances. The cupboards were white with light grey worktops including the island in the middle of the kitchen. It was in immaculate clean condition.

"Wow." I breathed as I ran my hand along the island.

"I take it you like what you see." Brax smiled gesturing to his kitchen. He grabbed two bottles of water handing me one with a kiss to my lips. I was speechless at the beauty and design of his house. I knew with the money he had, he would be living in a beautiful house but nothing prepared me for what I was seeing. Brax showed me round the rest of the house which was designed in a similar design to the kitchen. Everything was either white, grey or solid wood. I was in love with Brax's home. What got me excited was the jacuzzi bath in Brax's en-suite bathroom and I was planning on using it this weekend.

Brax got to work in the kitchen making us something to eat because we hadn't eaten dinner yet. I was sat at the island sipping on my water.

"Would you like some wine with dinner?" He asked.

"Yes please." I replied.

Dinner was served with some red wine. While we ate I asked Brax questions about his house, I was intrigued by how someone as gorgeous him was living alone in a massive six bedroom house.

"Because I don't want to share my home with just anyone. Most women only wanted me because of my bank account which is one of the reasons why I don't trust women so easily. You're the first woman I've ever brought here." I said shyly.

What....!!!! Speechless, again....

"Why bring me here?" I stuttered out.

"You're different Addison, different than most women I know. From the moment you walked into my office for the interview I knew you were the one for me especially when you didn't put up with my shit. You put me in my place where as most women wouldn't. There's been a calmness surrounding me since that day and it's because of you." He expressed pulling me into his lap.

"You were a complete ass that day." I laughed making Brax laugh. "Now I know why I was given the job even though my mouth got the better of me, it was because of your feelings for me." I blushed.

Brax cupped my cheek stroking it with his thumb caressing his lips with mine. "Yes, my feelings were one of the reasons but also because your interview was the best one out of all candidates I had interviewed. I also knew I wasn't going to let you slip through my fingers because of my shitty attitude." He replied staring into my eyes. "Now that I've found you Addy, I'm never letting you go. You're it for me beautiful." Brax quipped kissing me deeply. I melted against him, nibbling on his lower lip. We made out for a few minutes longer before pulling away breathless.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said kissing Brax again before snuggling into his body. He stroked up and down my back lightly as conversation changed to his father.

"I need to clear out his house and sell it. Could you come with me and help." He mumbled. I could hear the heartache in his voice as he spoke about his dad.

"Of course I will. I will be by your side through it all Brax." I said giving him a sad smile. I could see how difficult this was for him, he was trying to remain strong and at some point I knew he would crumble but when was another thing. All I knew was that I would be there to catch him when he did crumble.

Chapter 12 done :)

Whoop whoop, Addy has finally stepped foot on Brax's land.... there's no turning back now. They had a semi heart to heart, well more like Brax did but more of the feelings conversations will come throughout the story because why not :)

Next chapter Addison is going to be brave and tell Brax about her past with her 'father' she doesn't want to keep it from Brax anymore. Will Addy's confession help move things forward with their relationship or will Brax run for the hills after?? You will just have to continue reading!

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting, it is much appreciated guys 😘

If you haven't already, check out my other story 'The Gangleaders Girl'

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