Arthit had an interview today. He was waiting for Knott and forever craning his neck.

And no, he was not craning his neck to spot Knott, he was looking for a certain junior.

To wish him luck on his important date.

But he was nowhere in sight.

And apparently, today was the day too, when Arthit realised his popularity. God knows how people got this information about his interview and many people were coming and wishing him luck.

Arthit felt thankful, really, but for some unknown reason he wanted his wishes.

Was it because it became a habit for him too? Arthit wondered.

Arthit was looking to his left, when a girl approached him. Smiling bashfully, she gave him a rose and wished him luck.

Now, Arthit was a little awkward with these things too.

So equally bashful, he had accepted the rose and thanked her.

He was about to look around again when Knott came, and he had to leave.


For a few days, ok 5 days to be exact, Arthit had made it a habit to always look around.

Wherever he was, whenever it was, anywhere outside the classroom, he kept craning his neck.

So much, that Bright even teased him, that if he wished seeing god as desperately as he wished to see his favourite junior, he would have met god by this time.

Arthit had just yelled back at Bright that time, but it made him think.

Is it true? Was he that desperate?

Well, it's natural right? The brat who kept following him suddenly disappeared. So, it's normal to wonder about him.

But Arthit had failed to acknowledge the thing which was not normal. Him feeling dull all day. Nothing looking interesting to him. And most of all, him feeling a little hollow from Inside.


Arthit was happy today. Very happy. He got an internship offer from his desired company.

Strangely enough, people got to know about it too. They kept coming and congratulating him.

But more than the offer, Arthit was happy that Kongpob would surely come congratulate him after hearing the news. It had been a week since they last met.

But Arthit kept waiting and he never came.

Finally Arthit made up his mind. He bought a bunch of flowers and went to the junior wing.

After asking around a bit, he came to know that Kongpob had broken his arm around a week ago.

Come to think of it, wasn't it the day since Kongpob stopped coming.

After searching around a bit, someone told him they they had spotted Kongpob walking towards the ground.

Arthit almost ran there. Excited at the prospect of seeing Kongpob.

And unknown to him, another news regarding him was circulating around the college.

People had seen him running around the college carrying flowers and were speculating that he was gonna confess to someone.

Arthit saw a lone figure sitting on the bench. His heart skipped and he smiled. He almost jumped his way towards him.

He sat beside Kongpob and smacked his head.

"Ow!!", Kongpob looked at him pouting.

"What are you doing here, moping?"

Kongpob looked away,"nothing. And am not moping"

Arthit observed him to his heart's content. It had been so long. And noticed his plastered hand.

"Idiot, why didn't you tell me"


"Where were you these past days?"


"Why didn't you come wish me luck that day...... everyday??"


Arthit became angry," Kongpob!! Look at me when am talking and answer me!!"

Kongpob looked back at him and answered,

"Why do you care? Shouldn't you be happy? Since you always found it a hassle to deal with me. And it annoyed you to no end to wish me luck. Now I get it, you never cared, because you already have so many people wishing you luck. Even with flowers. So just me not wishing you won't make a difference. Come to think of it, i even heard that you are gonna confess today with those Flowers. I'll even wish you luck . So sure Na P'Arthit"

Kongpob Finished his tirade and looked away.

Arthit grabbed his face and kissed him. Then gave him the Flowers.

"These Flowers are for you"

Kongpob looked on stunned.

Arthit continued,

"Don't make me say it again. You are not the only one who thinks that their day gets better after meeting each other. I feel the same , perhaps more. I didn't realize, but meeting you made me happy and uplifted my mood. I want to see you everyday and want to be wished by you everyday, all my life."

A slow smile spread on kongpob's face.

"Only on one condition"


"That I get to kiss you everyday too"



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