Chapter 1

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I was on my way to the airport when I heard my phone ringing. It was my best friend back home telling me that our names were announced yesterday on the website and I need to be there ASAP so I could complete my paperwork and begin my internship at the assigned hospital starting today.

Yup! My Year of Pure Hell was about to start.

I cringed to hear this horrible news. It wasn't supposed to be like this. You see, I had the most amazing 3 weeks vacationing all over the UK with some friends -although it was for educational purposes- and I wasn't prepared to start this horror movie just yet. I was supposed to arrive safely to my sweet home and sleep on my comfy bed that I missed so much. But instead, as soon as I get there, I must head to the internship affairs and receive the envelope containing my destination. As if it was a secret mission or something. For God's sake it's just a hospital.

"Hellooo! Are you still there? Where did you go, I'm still talking to you and it's costing me a lot you know!" My friend's voice on the phone pulled me out from my thoughts and I couldn't help to smile at her comment. "I'm here silly! I'm on my way to the airport now and I'll be home tomorrow morning Inshallah. See you then."

Maybe I should just enjoy the journey ahead and treasure these moments before reality comes crashing on me... Hard!


The journey was long. I kept distracting myself from thinking about what to expect but nothing could work. Even when I tried to get some sleep, I dreamed of attending doctors with white coats and scary, monster-like faces on their shoulders. I woke up finding myself in the plane and everyone around was sound asleep. I finally gave up and allowed the thoughts to surround me.

By now you're probably thinking: why are you so terrified of this program? Or if you're not into it then why did you get involved in this mess in the first place?

Well, to be honest, I dreamed of being a doctor since I was a little girl. I wanted to be like my father, who happened to be successful in his field, and I couldn't wait to finish college so I can start me program and become a great doctor one day just like him. But the problem is that my dad was assigned to be the minister of health of where I came from and there were a lot of corruptions at the time made by the old minister that needed to be fixed. As a result to these corruptions, the doctors –mainly residents- began a strike and decided not to work at the hospitals -except for the emergencies- till the government grants them their demands.

The strike began shortly before I went to the UK and slightly after my dad received the "Reins of Power". Therefore, vicious rumors began around my father and his family -involving yours truly, of course, as I was the only one among my siblings to take my dad's path and become a doctor. I was aware of all the rumors that have been spread around me from my friends, and to tell you the truth, some of them were utterly rude and others were unbelievably hilarious, and no matter what, I had to face the mean society sooner or later.

After the strike began and doctors were refusing to work, the ministry made an immediate action to recruit the next batch of interns in line. Those unfortunate were us. We weren't supposed to be called in till at least 6 months later and because of this whole ordeal, not 2 months has passed after taking the oath and BAAAM! We're in deep and we had to face 2 problems. The 1st one is that we had to work without seniors to turn to, which is a disaster, and the other one was to the "Society of Doctors", we were now seen as traitors and an utter disgrace.

So I guess by now you know the reasons behind my terror and why am I so distressed about it. I really wish things would go smoothly without any disturbing events.


Author's note:

Inshalla: By God's Will

*This chapter is dedicated to one of my favorite authors in wattpad SallyMason1. I read all her works and they were all amazing. Thank you, for your writings encouraged me to try <3

Life of a Medical InternOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora