Epilogue - 10 Years Later

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*10 Years Later*


"It's ok Angel, it'll be over soon. Just breathe." Dalton replied in a calming voice, knowing she didn't mean her words. "Just think, in a few moments you'll be holding our babies in your arms." He said encouragingly as he brushed the wet hair that was sticking to her sweaty forehead away. Yes, that's right. Aria is currently giving birth to her and Dalton's first child – well the first of the twins actually. Christmas four years after Aria and Dalton initially got together, there was a marriage proposal, and the next year they were married. Even though my parents didn't legally adopt Aria, my Dad walked her down the aisle as she had become like a daughter to him and he like a second father to her. None of us have ever regretted taking her in. I know she sometimes thinks of her birth family and the fire, but she knows she has us, and she has told us on multiple occasions how grateful she is for it. Fast-forward five years, and there is now a set of twins about to be born. All of our music careers are going strong and I am ecstatic for both Aria and Dalton. Aria had decided that she wanted to have a home birth instead of all the hustle and bustle of a hospital.

*A few Minutes Later*

"One more push sweetie." I heard the midwife say. Aria cried out in pain and a moment later, I heard a baby cry. I looked over at the midwife to see her holding a tiny baby. Both Dalton and Aria both smiled instantaneously at the sight of their newborn.
"It's a girl." She announced, a smile on her face, giving Aria her daughter immediately.
"Vera. Vera Lynn Rapattoni." Dalton said almost automatically, his eyes never moving from his newborn daughter. I smiled at the sight. Both Aria and I knew he always wanted to name his firstborn daughter Vera Lynn. Aria was smiling like I had never seen her before. The only time I have seen her this happy is on her and Dalton's wedding day.
The midwife smiled and cut the cord then took Vera to clean her up.


It was almost like all the moments in my life have lead up to this moment. Vera is absolutely beautiful. I looked at Aria and she was absolutely in love with Vera. As soon as I saw her, I fell in love all over again. She I kissed Aria on the lips.
"You did such a good job my love. She's beautiful." I said lovingly. Vera then opened her eyes for the first time and I saw beautiful sea green eyes, almost identical to mine.
"She has your eyes." Aria commented. I looked at Vera and I could see that she was right. Even though Vera looked almost identical to Aria in almost every way, she had my sea green eyes. Aria pressed a soft, loving kiss to Vera's forehead before the midwife took her to clean her up and then gave her to me to hold. I gazed down at my daughter in awe and then looked at Aria who was looking at her with immeasurable love and affection.
"Only one more to go. It'll be worth it. If I could take away the pain, I would." I said to her.
"I know you would, and it's gonna be worth it. Seeing Vera now, I know it's gonna be worth it." She replied with a smile. No longer than two minutes later, she cried out in pain. "The second one is coming!" She announced through gritted teeth. I, reluctantly, gave Vera to Will to hold whilst I concentrated on Aria for the moment.

This baby took much longer to come out and, according to Aria's comments, was much harder than Vera. Vera only took about 10 minutes. This baby was taking much longer than that.
"I am never letting you touch me again Rapattoni." She growled. I smiled softly, knowing she didn't mean what she said.
"Everything's going to be ok Angel. I promise." I told her, massaging her back and speaking as soothingly as I could.
We didn't know what gender it was purely because Aria and I decided we didn't want to know the genders until the babies were born.

*25 minutes later*

With one final push, the second baby was born. It belted out a loud cry as the midwife caught it and cut the cord.
"It's a boy." The midwife announced, giving Aria our son. Aria and my smiles grew even more (if that was even possible) at this new knowledge. "Two perfectly healthy babies." She added. "Well done Aria, they're beautiful."
"Any names lined up for the boy?" I heard Will ask. I looked up at him and noticed that Vera was asleep in his arms. I then looked at Aria, who was holding our son.
"I was thinking Alexander. Alexander William Rapattoni." She suggested, looking at me.
"Perfect." I said, looking down at my wife and newborn son. Will then handed Vera to me as the midwife took Alexander to clean him up before handing him back to Aria. The moment that happened, Alexander opened his eyes. They were exactly the same as Aria's.

I looked down at the sleeping baby girl in my arms, and for the first time in my life, I felt truly complete. I have a wonderful wife, and now two beautiful children. I could never ask for anything more.


"I'll go tell everyone." I said softly, a smile on my face. Dalton reluctantly tore his eyes away from Aria, Vera and Alexander to look at me, nodding his head at my suggestion. His focus then turning back to his wife and children. I swear I saw tears of happiness in his eyes. I felt happy for him. For both of them.

I walked out, a smile on my face, to see Dalton's family, my family, my fiancée Cassandra, and Andrea and her husband all sitting in the living room of Aria and Dalton's house, as Aria had chosen to give birth at home. They noticed me come downstairs with a smile on my face.
"It's a girl and a boy. Vera Lynn Rapattoni, and Alexander William Rapattoni." I announced.

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