Chapter 13

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*20 minutes later*


Everyone had dispersed to go and see their respective guests so it was just Dalton, Aria, and I in the dressing room. We had got to know the contestants quite well in the 30 minutes that we spent with them. It was nice to meet and get to know them all.
"We probably should be getting home soon." I suggested. "But I know that we will see each other again whilst you are here and we will talk very soon." I added on quickly. Both Aria and Dalton agreed with this.
"Ok. I'll see you both soon." Dalton agreed, before turning to Aria and giving her a kiss on the lips. We then said our goodbyes and Aria and I headed off home.

*At home*

As soon as we got home, Aria rushed to her room. I wonder what that is about? I followed her up the stairs and noticed that she had gone straight on the computer.
"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.
"Sending one of my demos to the American Idol producer. Remember the one who talked to me after I sang." She replied, spinning around and looking at me.
"Oh, that guy."
"Would you help me choose one to send him?" She asked hopefully. I grinned.
"Of course Songbird." I replied, walking over and looking over her shoulder at the songs that she had.
After that, we spent the next half hour talking about, and deciding which one to send to the American Idol producer. After we had emailed it to him, all we could do was wait.
"All we can do now is wait Aria, so maybe you should get some sleep. It's been quite the evening for you." I suggested.
"Ok. But once I get to bed, will you sing to me please?" She asked. I smiled warmly at her.
"Of course I can. Just let me know when you're ready." I replied. She nodded and went off to get ready for bed.

*3 Days Later*


Aria has been a bit more active and social these past couple of days. She seems to be improving a bit. I think seeing Dalton again and getting that potential offer from the American Idol producer has provided her with motivation to start working again. I was currently in my room working on some music when I hear shrieking coming from down the hall. Hold on...that sounds like Aria! I ran as fast as I could out of my room to hers and opened the door to see the last thing I expected. She was jumping up and down with a look of joy on her face.
"What happened?" I asked, wondering what could have provoked this kind of reaction.
"They offered me a place as a guest on American Idol on the 10th of March!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down.
"Oh my Gosh! That's amazing!" I exclaimed, ecstatic at both seeing her so happy and that America would finally get to hear her incredible voice. "Have you sent them an email accepting?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just did." She replied excitedly, her smile never wavering.
"We should celebrate. Wanna go out and get something to eat?" I asked. I don't know how, but her smile got bigger.
"CHIPOTLE!!" She exclaimed happily. I started laughing.
"Let me get my stuff and we'll head off." I replied, jogging to my room to get my keys, wallet, phone, and slipping some shoes on.

*At Chipotle*


Will and I were at Chipotle celebrating me being asked to be a guest on American Idol. We had got our food and were sitting down at one of the table when I heard a voice speak from above me.
"Aria? Will?" I knew the voice was male...hang on. I know that voice. I looked up to be faced with one my ex bandmates...Dana Vaughns.
"Hey Dana." I greeted him, a smile gracing my face.
"Hey Dana." I heard Will say from next to me. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face.
"May I sit?" He asked. "I don't want to interrupt anything though." He said immediately afterwards.
"Yeah, of course." Will replied. Dana sat down on a chair across from Will.
"Been a while huh?" He said, a smile on his face.
"Yeah. How are you?" I asked him, genuinely curious about how he and the rest of the band were in the months since I left.
"I'm good. IM6 is officially over though. We just didn't work with half the number of original members, and we weren't gonna go through another gruelling audition process to find new ones." He revealed.
"That's a shame. But to be honest, I never actually expected IM6 to last that long after you have four members leave." I stated.
"True. It was only a matter of time. Anyway, how's your music going? How's your family? Do you have a boyfr- what's wrong?" He asked, a frown forming on his face. I guess he saw my face fall when he mentioned my family.
"My family are dead Dana. My parents died in a housefire the day after I left IM6 when I was at a meeting with my ex boss to resign. When I got home I found my house burned to the ground and my entire family gone. So, now I am living with Will and his family." I replied, slightly sad when I mentioned my family.
"Oh God, Aria, I am so sorry." He replied in shock, getting up and pulling me in for a hug. I buried my head in his shoulder. We may not have been that close when we were in IM6, but he was always there to comfort me if I needed it.
"It's ok. I'm better now." I replied, breaking the hug. "Oh, and I didn't answer your last question." I added.
"You mean the one about whether you have a boyfriend or not?" He confirmed.
"Yeah, and yes I do have a boyfriend." I replied, a huge smile forming on my face. He perked up at this.
"Ooo! Who is it? What's his name? What does he look like?" He asked excitedly, his eyes lighting up. I smirked.
"You know him." I hinted.
"Oh my gosh! Are you at Dalton dating?" Dana asked hopefully. I grinned.
"Yes, we are." I replied honestly. Will grinned at my admission. "We have been for quite a while now." I added. Dana grinned at this.
"It was bound to happen sooner or later. I think the only people who couldn't see that you were in love with each other were the both of you." Dana replied, a smile on his face. "I'm happy for you two." He added. "I really am." I smiled.
"Thank you Dana." I said with a smile on my face.
"Also, congratulate Dalton on his progress on American Idol for me. Also let him know that I've been voting for him y'know. Same with Cole and Gabe." Dana said.
"I will Dana." I replied smiling.
"Hey, we should all catch up again some time. Next time, Dalton, Cole, and Gabe should join us." Will suggested.
"Absolutely. Our numbers are still the same." I replied. Dana laughed.
"Me too." Dana said.
He then got up, gave Will and I hugs, and we said our farewells before he walked out the door.

*Back at home after Chipotle*


As soon as we got home Aria raced upstairs to her computer to check if she had any replies or emails from American Idol. Just then, I thought of something. Dalton doesn't know. I whipped out my phone to call him. I clicked on his name in my contacts before putting my phone to my ear. After a few rings, Dalton picked up.
"Hey Will, what's up?" He asked happily.
"Guess what." I said happily.
"What?" He asked curiously.
"Aria got an official offer to perform as a guest from the producers of American Idol!" I replied excitedly, my voice getting progressively louder as my sentence went on. "We just went to Chipotle to celebrate!" I added.
"Oh my God, that's amazing!" He replied ecstatically. "When?"
"Top 6 reveal on the 10th of March." I replied.
"Let her know that I will be there whether I am still in the competition or not." Dalton promised. I smiled at this.
"Thank you Dalton. I mean it. Not just for supporting her in this, but for everything you have done for her in the last five years." I thanked him.
"She's the love of my life and is unimaginably precious to me. I would do absolutely anything for her. When I heard that her parents died I was absolutely devastated. I was happy that she is living with you though. You and I are the closest thing she has to family and I am so glad that you can be there for her if I am not. You don't need to thank me Will, but thank you for those kind words nonetheless." Dalton replied.
"Thank you. She is very precious to me as well and I love her like a sister. I believe that between the two of us, she is in very safe hands." I replied, smiling to myself. We talked for a while longer before Dalton told me that he had to leave because he had to go to dinner.
"Have a nice dinner and I'll talk to you soon ok? Don't tell Aria I told you about this because I am sure that she will want to tell you."
"I won't, I promise. Talk to you soon Will." He said. We then said our goodbyes and I hung up. I smiled as I put my phone down. I smiled as I remembered the conversation that Dalton and I had just had. Just then, someone knocked on my door.
"Will? You ok?"  Aria asked, this snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Come in." I said with a smile. She opened the door, walked in, and sat down on my bed. I immediately brought her in for a hug. "I am so proud of you Aria. I always knew that you would make it."
"Thank you Will. I know you will as well."  She replied with a smile on her face.

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