Chapter 9

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*Day of American Idol*


Will has been acting slightly strangely all day. This morning he had been smiling a lot. He also said that we were going out today. When, I don't know, where, I don't know. He did day I would like it though. Hmm, I wonder what he has planned...


"Ok Ari. Time to leave." Will announced. I sighed but followed him towards the car. Just before I got in, he stopped me. I looked at him cautiously as a smirk formed on his face. He revealed a blindfold from behind his back.
"Oh no. No way, I am not putting that on. First you won't tell me where we are going, now you want to blindfold me? Nu uh. No." I protested. Will shrugged.
"Sorry sweetheart, but you don't have a choice. I sighed and he put the blindfold on me, helping me into the car.

*Around an hour later*

"Will, are we there yet?" I asked for the millionth time.
"Actually Aria, yes we are." Will replied. We came to a stop and I heard him turn off the engine.
"Can I take my blindfold off now?" I whined.
"Yes you can. Let me help you." He stated. He took my blindfold off and I opened my eyes to notice that we were in a car park. I looked at Will, a curious look on my face.
"Why are we here Will?" I asked, sighing in defeat.
"It's a surprise." He said with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Will, you know I hate surprises." I whined.
"Trust me, you're gonna love this one." He replied, the smirk from earlier still present on his face. I looked at him suspiciously. Was it something to do with Dalton? Was Will taking me to see him?
"Are you taking me to see Dalton?" I asked hopefully. He smirked.
"You'll see." He replied, not giving me any non-cryptic answers. He locked the car and took my hand. "Come on, the entrance is this way." He stated. He then led me through the car park to the entrance. As we got closer to the entrance, I noticed that it was the entrance to the studio where American Idol was filmed. No way.
"Are you serious?" I asked, looking at Will in disbelief. He just smiled.
"100%. Dalton and I have been planning this for a while now. We decided that it would be a good idea to bring you here to see him perform." Will revealed. My eyes lit up in happiness that my boys had thought to do this for me.

*Later – Dalton's performance*

All the performances have been incredible so far. It really is amazing to watch everyone singing. Occasionally, I would look down to where the contestants were sitting to see Dalton's reactions to each of the performances. It saddens me to think that he is so talented but he doesn't believe in himself. Anyway, Dalton's video had just played and the lights dimmed. Suddenly, the stage was illuminated with bright lights and there stood my loving boyfriend. He immediately started singing, and I was captivated from the moment he began.

Hey there, Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But, girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes, you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear, it's true

Hey there, Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side

As Dalton sang those last two lines, he looked straight at me. I grinned and he smiled back. It was then that I knew that this song was dedicated to me. My heart swelled at the gesture and my smile brightened.

Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Delilah, I can promise you
That by the time that we get through
The world will never ever be the same

And you're to blame

Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
What you do to me

"Dalton! I love what you do with songs, always take them somewhere different, and you did it again. You come out with so much confidence, really cool, audience responded straight away. You took a folk kindof thing, beefed it up, it was like electric barnyard. It was very cool." Keith commented.
"Electric barnyard. Word of the day." Jennifer commented. She then looked at Dalton and began speaking. "You know what I love about you is that you are the really cool, cute guy, but you also have a lot of heart, and that comes through every time you sing a song. It's true. That's why all the girls are like Oh Dalton! Touch me! Touch my hand! I get it; because when you said 'Hey There Delilah' you went over there and you were really speaking to them, and that's how you should sing a song. You did really good job." Jennifer said.
"You are so comfortable. Like, you are just so comfortable on stage and that's a rare thing that people are that comfortable, it's almost like home for you, and it bleeds through every time you perform. I have to say, I love every time you sing, it's like a completely different genre of music or it's like a completely different type of artist, and that shows artistry, not just a great singer. Which I think is important if you want to have longevity. So, good luck. They like you." Kelly complimented him. He grinned at her comment. By this point, Will and I were also smiling.
"How do you like it when all those girls scream for you? Do you like it when those girls scream for you?" Harry asked Dalton.
"Absolutely." Dalton answered. Before Harry could continue, Kelly piped up.
"Some guys were screaming too, why are you just saying girls?" Kelly defended.
"No, no, no, I'm just saying, Keith remembers what that used to feel like." Harry replied. "Hey, every time you've sung, you have completely flipped the concept for the arrangement, every single time, and so far, you are batting a thousand." Harry stated.
He thanked them and then walked offstage with a big smile on his face, looking up at me and smiling as he did. A few minutes after he disappeared offstage, my phone binged, indicating I had a message. I picked my phone up and noticed that the message was from Dalton.

From: Rockstar
That was for you my Angel

To: Rockstar
I know my love, I know. Thank you Dalton.

From: Rockstar
When I said I liked it when girls screamed for me, I meant it, but there is only one girl who owns my heart. You know who that is?

To: Rockstar
I'm not sure. Care to enlighten me?

From: Rockstar
You know it's you Angel. I've said it before and I'll say it again until the end of time, I love you more than anything <3.

To: Rockstar
I know Dalton, I love you more than I can ever scream <3

I smiled at our text conversation. I put my phone away as he appeared again to go and sit with the contestants. I looked over at Will who was smiling at me.
"What?" I asked, curious as to why he was smiling at me.
"You and Dalton are so cute. It's almost nauseating." Will commented.
"Oh stop it, you'll be the same when you get a girlfriend." I retorted.
"If I get a girlfriend." Will replied pessimistically. I rolled my eyes at this.
"No Will, when. You need to stop doubting yourself. There is going to be a girl who comes along one day. Who knows when that day will be, but you have to trust that it will come. I know that you won't be alone forever, despite what you may tell yourself." I retorted.
"Thanks Aria." He replied, a soft smile on his face.
"Anytime Will." I said, smiling back.

Love of Music (Dalton Rapattoni)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora