Chapter 2

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There was only one person Aria wanted to talk to right now, and that was her best friend.  Dalton Rapattoni.  He had been trying to convince her to leave IM6 for the past few weeks as he knew what it had been doing to her.  He and Will knew about her mental state, and they both knew it was only a matter of time.  She scrolled through her contacts clicking on Dalton's number when she saw it.  She stopped and sat down on a bench outside as she listened to her phone ring.  It rung twice before Dalton picked up.
"Hello Angel!  How are you this fine day?"  Dalton greeted her happily.
"Hey Rockstar.  I have news."  Aria replied, an excited tone of voice.
"Ooo!  What is it??"  Dalton replied excitedly.  Aria wondered what happened to make him so hyper. "I've left IM6."  Aria revealed.  There was a short pause.
"Wait, really?  You talked to the partners and they let you leave?"  He asked, very surprised.  He knew that Aria was a treasure when it came to IM6. 
"Yeah. I told them about my mental state and the fact that I didn't think I could continue in IM6, and they understood.  They even wished me luck for the future."  Aria explained.
"That's amazing Angel. How do you feel?"  Dalton asked.
"Relieved yet scared.  I don't know what to do from here but I think this will be a good change."  She replied honestly.
"Congratulations Aria, this is wonderful news.  I know it is scary, but I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to.  Plus, you're way too talented for anyone to turn you down."  He replied.  She could almost see the cheeky grin on his face.  "Although if you don't mind me asking, why now?"
"I reached a breaking point.  I had a stress-induced panic attack yesterday mid rehearsal in front of Cole, Dana, and Gabe.  Cole helped me through it, and the four of us talked about it afterwards, but that's when I knew I couldn't stay any longer."  Aria revealed.
"I'm sorry Angel."  Dalton said, his voice soft.
"It's ok.  It's not your fault."  Aria replied, reassuring him.  "Hey, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure. Fire away."  Dalton replied.
"Can I come and stay with you for a couple of days?  I really want to get away from LA and stuff for a while."  She asked.
"Absolutely!  That would be awesome."  Dalton offered.  He did honestly want her to visit him.
"Really?  Are you sure?"  She asked.
"Absolutely."  He replied.
"If you're sure."  She confirmed.
"Aria. I wouldn't even bother arguing because I will drag you to Texas by your ears if I have to."  Dalton stated.  Aria laughed.
"Alright, if you insist."  She replied.
"I do."  He countered.
"When can I come and visit you though?"  She asked.
"I don't mind.  Whenever you feel is best for you."  Dalton offered.
"Sounds great.  I'll talk to my parents ok?"  Aria replied.
"Alright.  Can't wait to see my Angel!"  Dalton said excitedly.
"You too!"  Aria replied, a grin on her face. After Aria hung up, she began walking to the bus stop that would take her home.  She needed to talk to her parents about Dalton's offer, which she was dying to take up.

*Later – in LA*


As I entered my street, I saw about five fire engines, three police cars, and police tape surrounding a house around halfway down the street.  Hold on, my house is halfway down the street, oh God please no.  I broke into a run, hoping to God that I was wrong.  However, as I got closer, I was proven right.  I looked at my old house.  My once childhood home now reduced to a pile of ash and burned out wood.  I looked around frantically to see if I could see my family anywhere, when a fireman came up to me.
"Excuse me Miss, but you can't be here." He said in a calm voice, trying to keep me away.
"But I live here!  Can you at least tell me what happened?  Was anyone hurt?"  I asked desperately.  He looked at me sadly but didn't say a word.  He just took my hand and led me over to some police officers - a man and a woman.
"Officers?  This girl says she lives here.  I thought she should talk to you."  The fireman said.
"Thank you."  The woman said to him.  He nodded and walked away.  She and the male officer turned to me.
"What's your name?"  The man asked.
"Aria Evans, Sir."  I replied softly.
"Well, Aria, you told the fireman that you live here. Is that correct?"  The man confirmed.
"Yes, that is correct.  I went out for a meeting around 9:15 this morning, and got back a few minutes ago to find this. Can you please at least tell me if my parents were hurt?"  I begged, a pleading look both in my eyes and on my face.  They looked at me sympathetically.
"We found two sets of human remains, no survivors.  We are attempting to understand what happened, but we have found out from neighbours that there was some sort of explosion and then the fire started."  The woman said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I broke down in tears and collapsed to my knees.  Losing my parents was too much.  I then felt a pair of arms around me.
"It's going to be alright, Sweetheart."  I heard the female police officer say in a comforting way.  "Do you have any other family you could stay with?"  She asked.
"N-No.  My parents were only children."  I explained.
"What about grandparents?"  The woman asked.  I shook my head. 
"I do have two best friends.  One lives a few streets away, and the other lives in Dallas, Texas."  I explained.  They looked at each other.
"How about we take you to stay with your best friend who lives a few streets away for the moment?  Ok?  What's their name?"  The woman asked.
"His name is Will.  Will Behlendorf."  I replied, trying to keep my voice even, but tear tracks stained my face.
"Let's take you to him until we figure out what to do next ok?"  The woman suggested.  I nodded.  We walked over to one of the police cars and got in.  I then gave her directions to Will's house as we were driving.  Soon enough, we had pulled up in Will's driveway, were out of the car and were walking up to his front door.  The woman rung the doorbell and we waited.  My heart was beating fast as I heard footsteps getting louder and then the door unlocking.  It finally swung open and we were faced with a very surprised Alex Behlendorf.
"Aria?  What's going on?"  He asked.
"Hello, my name is Officer Jane Highland.  I need to speak to Mr. Will Behlendorf."  The woman-Jane said.  Oh, so that was her name.
"Yeah, he's up in his room.  Come on in."  He said, stepping aside to let us both in.  He then led us both to Will's room, knocking on Will's door once he got there.  There was a groan from inside.
"What is it Alex?"  Will asked impatiently through the door.
"Will, there's someone here to see you, and it's really important."  Alex called through the door.  I heard a sigh and a squeak, which indicated that Will got up to open his door. A few footsteps later, the door finally swung open to reveal Will dressed in a tank top and shorts, along with hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed yet.  Clearly he wasn't expecting guests.  As soon as he saw the sad look on my face and the police officer standing next to me, his face morphed into shock and he did a double take.
"What's going on?"  He asked in disbelief.
"Well, Mr. Behlendorf, I was wondering if Miss Evans could stay with you and your family for a while?"  Officer Highland asked.
"Yeah, I'll have to talk to my parents, but that shouldn't be a problem."  Will replied.  Relief washed through me.  At least I wouldn't be homeless.  "If you don't mind me asking though, why?"  He asked.
"My house burned down, my family are dead, and I have nowhere to go."  I explained, my voice soft.  His eyes went wide as dinner plates, and he didn't waste a second in embracing me in a hug.
"It's gonna be ok Songbird.  I will make my parents let you stay if I have to." He said, stroking my hair.
"Thank you Will."  I whispered.
"Thank you Mr. Behlendorf.  I will check back in a few days ok?"  Officer Highland said.  Will nodded.
"Of course.  I'll take good care of her.  Thank you Officer."  Will said, before Alex went to show her out.  "It's ok Ari.  I'm not gonna let you get hurt or be homeless."  Will said.  "Do you have anything with you?"  He asked.
"Only the stuff I took with me this morning and the clothes on my back. Luckily, I had my song and lyric book, the contents of my laptop on my portable hard-drive, and my phone on me so I haven't lost completely everything.  I did lose all my clothes, shoes, photos, some of my sheet music, and jewellery though.  The most important thing I lost though, was my family."  I replied sadly, trying not to burst into tears again.
"Ok, come on, you can stay in the guest room."  Will said, leading me to said place.

Love of Music (Dalton Rapattoni)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang