Chapter 11

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As I watched Aria and Dalton together, it was the sweetest thing ever. The hugs, the kisses, the love that they shared, it was beyond cute. I am so happy that they have each other. Aria brings out a side of Dalton that none of us could even come close to touching. Even just the mention of her name brings out a reaction from him that can only be described as a mixture of joy and love. It's amazing to watch.


I am so happy for both Aria and Dalton. I've said this before, but I'll say it again because it is so true. They are perfect for each other. They complete each other and just the mention or the voice of one will calm the other if they are in trouble or unhappy. Once they broke out of their trance, I spoke up.
"You were amazing Dalton. As always." I stated.
"Thanks. I'm glad you liked it." He replied, grateful for the compliment.
"Liked it? No. I loved it!" Aria butted in.
"She's right." I added.
"Using your words against you, I wish you believed in yourself as much as we all believe in you. You're one of the most talented people I know but you don't think so for some reason." Aria said. He blushed at our comments. I knew how self-deprecating he was. Aria too, but Dalton was very self-deprecating which was both a good and a bad thing. Bad, because even though he has an amazing voice, is incredibly talented, and always gives amazing performances, he still doesn't think he is good enough. It's sad that he will never realize how incredibly talented he actually is. Good, in the sense that it makes him an incredibly humble and down-to-earth guy who doesn't fish for compliments, but he does appreciate them and he is happy when people like his songs. He constantly pushes himself to be better each time he performs and in the songs that he writes for both himself and for his fans.

*An hour later*


It had been a long day and Dalton and I were currently sitting down next to each other in a silent embrace. My head was resting on his shoulder, my arms wrapped around his waist, and his arms wrapped around my shoulders. It was nice to meet everyone on American Idol. They are all really nice and I am sure that they are going to have a lot to say to Dalton about us as a couple. But right now, I am just happy to be here in my boyfriend's arms. It feels feels like home. I am so glad that Dalton is my boyfriend. He is such an amazing boyfriend and I love him so much. I think that he is one of, if not the, best things that has ever happened to me. He and Will have been there for me through everything – good and bad. I started crying at this thought. He must have felt my tears because he pulled away slightly and I felt him look down at me.
"Angel? What's wrong?" He asked. I moved my head so I looked up at him.
"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking." I replied.
"About what?" He asked, hoping I would elaborate.
"About how lucky I am to have you and how you have been here for me through everything. Good and bad." I replied. He smiled at me lovingly. "I love you Angel. I will always be there for you whenever you need me. Anytime you need me." He said. I looked at him and smiled.
"I love you too Dalton. More than you can ever imagine." I replied softly, leaning up to kiss him. When our lips met, it felt just amazing as the first time we kissed. A few moments later, we pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. A comfortable silence fell over us. Well, as silent as it could be at the American Idol studio.


I was currently having a conversation with MacKenzie when I noticed Dalton and Aria cuddling. I smiled brightly at this. MacKenzie noticed my gaze shift to somewhere else and he followed my gaze, giving off an 'aww' when he saw what I was looking at. He got his phone out and took a picture of them.
"They are so cute together." He said happily. I nodded.
"They really are. They have had a thing for each other for about 4 or 5 years now but they have been really close throughout that entire time. Closer than normal friends usually are. All of us could see that they were in love with each other except for them." I explained. MacKenzie smiled at this.
"I'm not surprised, seeing how they act around each other. I'm glad to see him so happy. It's amazing watching the two of them together." MacKenzie replied, agreeing with what I just said.

*15 minutes later*

We were sitting around chatting with the rest of the contestants from American Idol when the subject of how Aria, Dalton, and I met came up. They had found out that the three of us had been in a vocal group and they were now all trying to persuade the three of us to dance for them. They had never actually seen Dalton dance because he refused to.
"Come on, please?" Sonika begged. "We want to see you all dance." She added. Everyone else nodded at this.
"We have a pair of speakers, you can give me your phone and we can plug it in and play some music so you can dance for us if you like." Lee suggested. Aria and I looked at each other and sighed.
"Fine." I said. Aria fished through her bag and went with Lee to plug Aria's phone into the speakers. A few minutes later, Aria, Dalton and I were standing next to each other, waiting for the song. As soon as I heard it, I knew what it was. I rolled my eyes but we began dancing anyway.

(Into the Night – IM5)

I admit it, I'm lost in this feeling, it's got me reeling,
Nothing can stop me, getting closer and closer,
Closing the distance, no more resistance,
I hope you're ready 'cause this one's for you

I smirked, knowing that Aria and Dalton were actually dancing with each other rather than all three of dancing alongside each other. I subtly made my way over to the rest of the contestants in order to watch Aria and Dalton dance, smiling the whole time.

Love of Music (Dalton Rapattoni)Where stories live. Discover now