Chapter 17

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Strolling in the gardens while memorising the symptoms on metabolic diseases affecting human immunity felt peace. Always the studious type, enjoying the words people hated in med school was my way.

I relished in the feeling of knowledge against unknown powers. I kept the drill of learning while enjoying the peaceful nature. Lisa used to be awestruck when she learned about my habit for memorising.

She had dropped off mid terms from med school when she met my brother. Their story was amazing to the least. True love they say.

My father loved gardening, he said when he met my mother he was fascinated how she cared for every one around her, even the trees and Mother Nature.
He started working with her and never himself realised when he started gardening, and caring for the plant life around him.

He said, " It's easy to care for someone when they can speak, but the real kindness lies within caring for someone who cannot speaks for himself."

I could feel the darkness fading, consciousness was seeping in me, but it made me push the light away from me more than ever. I wanted the darkness surrounding me.

Giving me dreams which were once my reality. The peace, the faces I wanted to see more but couldn't anymore were right infront of my eyes blazing in light.

But like everything, the light also wasn't in my control and it came slowly making me open my eyes to broad sunlight.
I blinked twice to see the surroundings around me different than the room I was assigned in. I turned my head to the side to see a crooked figure limping on the chair. The body much bigger than the chair could occupy.

I tried lifting myself up slowly, the pain was making it difficult to sit up straight. Every fibre screamed in me to halt from making any movement. But my parched throat made it difficult for me to refrain.

Slight rustling movements on my right made me turn my head to see Talib rubbing his eyes and filling a glass of water from the jar.
He forwarded the glass towards my lips urging me to take it. I thought against fighting the need the of thirst and took it greedily drinking the water.

When I raised my eyes to see his face, his eyes held me captive of our faith. For a flinting moment I could see his eyes as clear as day light, like a small baby free of guilt. New to the crude world. Hinting the distress due to my condition. Emotions deep even I was skeptical to claw them out. But again it was a flinting second. He stood straightg glaring holes in the LCD ahead us, making his emotions evenly.
Like a clock changing its course he did too.

" I am not your servant to care for your dying self." He turned around looking me straight into my eyes.

" Talk to your sister, she is concerned.?" With that he threw his phone on the bed,storming out of the room.

I knew what he said few minutes back were shallow words but they meant nothing to me for the first time. The dream still fresh in my eyes stopping me from the hurtful words hurting my heart.

I took the phone and dialed Sarah, Talib's sister and after meeting her she became mine too. She left town as soon as our nikaah was complete to California. Apparently she preferred living there away from her family and she was well settled there. Within the first ring she answered, " Oh my god, sharia. It's you. Alhamdullilah. You know I was so worried for you and I can't believe what you did."

I was stunned to know that she knew it would be me calling her from Talib's phone. " Hold on your horses pretty girl. How come you knew it was me and not that brother of yours calling?" I inquired.

She tsked before replying, " well my sharia, you see I threatened that brother of mine to not call me until you who is the one calling." The picture of her little frame threatening the big bad wolf on phone caused me to hold my stomach laughing madly. " Really.did.that." I managed to quirk out controlling my laughter. "That is hilarious." I tried stopping but the image was too prominent in my head to stop laughing.

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