The Death-Chapter 2

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"The patient was suffering from atherosclerosis from past 15 years
He had past history of myocardial infarction.
This is his second major attack Dr Qureshi."
I took note of the diagnosis from my fellow intern Dr Chiang Fisher.

"Dr we may start the procedure." Informed the nurse.

I silently begged Allah to help me with the procedure to help save a life which was in my hand.

After half hour into surgery
"The pulse rate is dropping........
The blood pressure has decreased to 80/60 mm/hg.........,Dr Chiang was reading out the parameters loud enough for everyone to alert quickly. The chances were rare to stop the inevitable.

"Pass on the defibrillator",I looked up at the nurse motioning her to hurry up. There was hardly any time left and my own heartbeats were matching the beeping sound of the machine attached to the patients body.

This had to work.....This had to work.
His blood pressure was drooping low with ever second.

I looked up at Dr Chiang as this was the first time I was using defibrillator without a senior doctor in presence.
He gave me a nod as to go ahead for the last thing we were going to go about with.

I took the electrodes from Dr Chiang and held it over the patient and pressed it over.

Still the flat line showed no change. I was hyperactive. Deeply wanted him to survive at any cost. This was the first time. How can I end up like this.
I can do something. Save him

I pressed them together again and pressed it on him. It still didn't budge. The flat line was still running with barring speed. I looked at Dr Chiang and he pressed up buttons to increase the charge current.

I again pressed them and repeated the procedure. Before I could do it again Dr Chiang held my shoulders and said, " The patient is no more Dr Sharia. You have to stop this." I turned around to face him to see the truth written all over his face. My first surgery and it.......

"The time of death is 21:08 pm, Tuesday". I was still in the phase after saying it. I made my way in the back of the operating area to remove the surgery clothes. I badly felt like talking with Abbu. Only he would solve this. Help me cope up.

I felt sympathy for the patients family. His children, his wife, his relatives.
How would they cope up. I knew how we did when we lost something dearest to our lives.

The nurse bought a pad and a pen towards me giving me the pen to sign off the end of the procedure.

I took the pad to sign off the paper. I read the name of the patient written in bold in the headspace 'Mr Abu Talib Sheikh'.

I looked up with a questioning gaze to see the nurse. "You are right, He is the industrialist. One of a kind. He owns chains of pharmaceutical companies with other side business."

"Oh,......... That was all I could say. Well how does it matter when a person breathes no more. What status he belonged to.

I signed it off and left the room not before informing the staff I am signing off for the day. "I need to have a word with Mr Wells, once he is back. Do let me know."

I left the room from the back door which the nurse insisted me to take for exit. I didn't ask questions because I was too desperate to leave and talk to Abbu.

And plus it shortened my trip to parking as the back door directly let to the lift for basement parking.

As soon as I set in my cars familiar leather I called Abbu, Before I could greet him " Assalam............." He said,"It's fine Sharia,that was not in your hands. You did your best." He had remorseful voice.

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