The Shame - Chapter 6

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I ran as fast as my legs could take me to the car. Once inside the safety of the familiar leather I felt I could finally show my emotions.

I wanted to go back in that shit building and howl that piece of shit on his office floor and beat him till he realises what he has done with me.

Just for a stupid ego, he has ruined my life. I would not cry because I was not wrong and this was my test against an evil being. I started reciting all my father had taught me about my religion to calm myself down.

I closed my eyes to picture my Ammi in front of my eyes. She gave me the sense of familiar warmth I badly needed at that moment.

My seat started vibrating making me look around to see the culprit, my phone vibrating the name "Sticky Khalid."

"Urgggh, this is the worst timing you could ever choose to call me slimy sticky creep." I groaned internally talking to myself.

I swiped the answer button to avoid dealing with Abba later on when he will complain me about avoiding Khalids call.

"What the fuck do you want Mr Khalid." I started counting till 10 to ease myself from his annoying behavior.

"Sharia, what is wrong with you? When did you start cursing and is this the way to talk with your future husband?" He mused clearly knowing my mood swings.

"Wait, what did you say?" I think getting fired has taken a toll on my hearing.

"Well, why have you started cursing, Sharia."

I groaned again, " No smarty pants, not that. What did you say about disrespecting who???!!" I all but shouted at him.

"Oh, that Sharia. Well than it seems that your brother has not announced about this in your family. He came today morning to accept our marriage proposal for you. We are getting married Sharia within a month!".

I dropped my phone in shock. How could my brother do this? He knew I didn't wanted marriage. He could just not decide because I goofed up one time. Even if it was big and he would want me to accept it as Mr Khalid is the perfect gentleman according to everyone in my family. While I hated his guts and I had pretty much no idea why.

He had earlier also expressed his wish to marry me but I never answered because I had no specific reason to say no for. His father was good friend with Abbu and my brothers practically grew up with him. They trusted him.

I was busted big time as no one will support my decision until I have solid reason to reject Khalid. Which I did not.

Why do all men related to my life were acting like douche bags. I hated all of them.

All I wanted was to get away from this pain. I reversed my car to get out of the parking lot and started driving without knowing my destination.

I wanted out of this situation and I had no way to be. I was badly stuck. My head felt heavy with so much thinking. It felt as if it was going to burst.

I refused to spend my last evening alone in my apartment. And my best friend was away with her family after completing her internship. She wanted off unlike me who wanted to do good and was instead stripped off her dreams and job.

I was lonely. I didn't have one person to hangout with. I thought for sometime while driving into unknown lanes. I stopped infront of a club contemplating to go inside or not.

I rarely visited clubs and that only with people whom I completely knew.
But here I was getting out of my car, giving my keys to the valet and standing in the line before I could change my mind.

I felt being watched from somewhere around but I couldn't seem to see anyone I could put suspicion on. I thought maybe someone from my brother's so called 'gang' must be keeping a tab on me. But who cares as I already have a red card.

Within 2 minutes of standing in the longest queue I had seen,I was called out by pointed fingers. I got off the line to see the fingers were of the bouncer who was standing near the gate.

He motioned me to get inside. I looked at him trying to think what did I do to deserve this special treatment. As if the crowd in the line could read my mind they started yelling towards me and the bouncer.

I kept an deaf ear and entered inside taking the last privilege this city was providing without any more questions asked.

As soon I entered I was hit with the stench of sex, nudity, alcohol, sweat from all round.

I pushed my way towards the bar to sit in front of the bartender. He was pouring a drink which I was completely unaware off. This was my routing everytime I was in a club which was pretty much less. To buy only cold drink as other drink were off limits for me.

I shouted on top of my lungs to get the attention of the bartender. He turned around to give me attention. He gave me an amused smile, "Bad day huh?"

I gave him a nod and told him to give me cola with ice cubes without wasting anymore time by chatting with him.

I turned around to watch the crazy crowd. I did choose a flimsy club. I was too angry to notice which place I opted to end my final night in this city with.

Every corner was filled with people making out. Most of the girls were without top grinding themselves to unknown men.

There was a tap on my shoulder which made me turn around to come face to face with my drink. I took a sip from my cold drink and relished it's chilled state. Too much ice.

By the time I finished my cola I stood up to leave the club as the grinding bodies had no longer left any interest for me.

Before I could keep my step down I felt an extremely unfamiliar feeling. I felt like I was floating in the sky and my feet couldn't touch the ground.

I felt funny. I turned around to see the bartender looked different than the one I had talked with when I first entered.

I was floating in the entire club pushing everyone out of my way. My feet were dangling in air. I felt funny but surprisingly happy in a long time.

Someone pushed my right shoulder getting me off balance which in turn made me slip from my air walking to ground reality.

I turned around to curse all of cusses I was accustomed to, but instead I was faced with a white clothe which was being pushed towards my nose.

I tried removing the clothe from my nose but it was futile as mainly my hands were pushing towards air to get myself free from the assault. I couldn't come in contact with skin of the person who was suppressing my breath.

Than I felt all energy draining from my body making me limp with an overshadowing blackness consuming my eyesight.

I was waiting for the impact my body was about to make with the surface but instead was welcomed into strong vile arms around my body protecting me from the fall. With that thought in mind, I passed out into Oblivion.

I never imagined my night to end like this.


Mafia's Forced WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora