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"Irene..." I whisper softly as if it were a secret.

Secrets needn't be spoken.

A shocked gasp lurched me out of whatever trance I was bewitched under.

My eyes, which I hadn't realized I closed, flashed open in an instant.

That's when I discovered how lewdly sprawled about I was over Irene's cushioned mattress, one hand resting across my uniform clad breasts while the other pressed her frilly black panties to my nose.


But a scandalous sight for the right eyes.

Irene hovered tremulously in the doorway; jaw unhinged enough to see her whitened teeth, cheeks inflaming a violent shade of red. A party tray of snacks was grasped in her shaky hands.

We stared at each other.

She didn't move and neither did I.

As always, the tense atmosphere grew thick with lust.

She was lust.

I smelled it all over her.

She's thriving with it.

I wanted to drink every last drop til there was nothing left.


We weren't alone.

"Fucking hell, Irene, why do you have so many damn stairs?!" The complaining voice of Wendy echoed from out in the hall, indicating that she was not too far behind.

Irene wasted no time in fixing her posture, her previously sexually charged gaze now hardening into a vicious glare.

I couldn't have been anymore turned on.

She quickly placed aside the tray on a nearby dresser then rushed over to me, ripping her panties right out of my grip.

"Would you please act like a decent human being for once?" She snapped through a threatening hiss.

"Do decent humans even exist?" I challenged her, shifting my body weight in toward her standing form so that I could slide my hands slowly up her skirt.

She smacked them away just as Wendy reappeared in the room, holding a crinkled bag of potato chips.

I grimaced.

Why are all her friend's such cock blocks?

"Alright, let's get this crap over with," The annoying blonde sighed miserably, stuffing her face with another hand full of grease.

I wanted to lodge the entire bag down her throat.

Irene nodded.

"Yeah, let's begin."

The pristine carpeting was soon littered with pencils, pens, textbooks and notebook paper. Our discarded uniform blazers were tossed in a pile along with our school bags and shoes.

I sat lazily on top of Irene's bed, pretending to browse through a history book while Irene and Wendy sat below on the spotless flooring with Irene monitoring Wendy's progress every now and then over her shoulder.


They studied.

I didn't.


Because studying is dumb.

At least it was for me.

I never got the deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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