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Indulge in sin.


Did you know you grind your teeth when you're aroused?


Tital waves of exhilaration pooled between my clenched thighs the moment I witnessed Horangi high's bright-eyed beauty squirm uncomfortably in reaction to my erotic observation, the sensual rotation of her jaw slowing in momentum then stopping altogether.

It was one of several lust-injected messages I've been sexting her throughout our spare period.

And as always, I couldn't keep my fucking eyes off her.

She was dead center of her generic prep circle of cronies, who swarmed around her sitting form like flies to a severed pig's head. I was tucked away in my usual secluded spot at the back of the classroom with my hawk-sharp eyes catching every unintentionally stimulating mannerism Irene Bae expressed.

From the enchanting toss of her silky chestnut curls to the rousing way she moistened her rosy, suckable lips...

...Right down to the captivating motion of her jaw capable of driving even the sanest being to the highest peak of lunacy.

I've always been aware of her routine sexy habits but these particular habits have been pure fuel for our textual relationship. We were only two days in since our heated exchange of numbers but I soaked up more data than a family of six could in an entire lifetime.

A majority of my messages, however, went disregarded and unanswered.

I found it quite funny how she asked me and yet I was the one who did all the texting.

She'd hardly reply at all and when she did, it was lackluster and stale.

As frustrating as it was, I knew her hot-cold attitude was just another front she put on to disguise the little-known fact that she wanted me too.

The very thought of it had me basically swimming in my own juices.

My teeth sunk into my lower lip as the pad of my thumb hastily punched in another message.

You're so fucking sexy like this.


Surprisingly, this was invigorating enough for her to type a response.

I'm not aroused.


I snorted.

You should know by now that you can't bullshit me, Bae.


To this, she simply read my reply then placed the tiny device back in her lap, laughing airily at some stupid shit one of her drones projected to her for the sole purpose of gaining her attention.

But I owned her attention.

Whether she accepted it or not.

You can't run from me, Irene...

I slouched lower in my seat with my eyes still trained on her stiffened body.

Staring at you makes me want to do things to myself...


When she didn't bother reacting, I pressed in yet another racy text.

Naughty things...

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