Once out and away from the building, I let my tears fall. If seeing them earlier wasn't enough, I had to walk in on them in his office.

Talk about hit me while I'm down!

Why would he do it in the office, knowing full well I was in the next room and could easily walk in??

Did he mean what he said this morning??

I didn't want to go home so I rang Nate in the hope that he was home and I could go there. I got my phone out my bag and dialled Nate's number.

"Hey Adds, you still at work?" Nate asks.

"Hey Natey, no I've just left. Are you at home?" I asked trying to keep my tears at bay.

"Adds, what's wrong?" Nate asked his voice laced with concern.

"Can I come over? I'll tell you when I get to you." I replied in an audible whisper.

"Of course Adds. See you soon girl." I hang up the phone as my bus approaches the bus stop. I get on the bus paying the driver my fair. My phone vibrated in my hand, I looked at the caller ID and it was Brax ringing me. I silenced the phone while it rang, I didn't want to talk to Brax right now. I turned my phone on silent and placed it back in my bag. I got off the bus at the stop before mine and walked the short distance to Nate's apartment.

Why does life suck so bad for me??


I knocked on Nate's door, he opened the door took one look at my face and pulled me into a hug. Once in his embrace my tears fell and I sobbed against Nate's chest. After a few minutes he pulled me into his apartment still wrapped in his arms. He lead me to the sofa and sat down with me.

He moved a piece of hair from my face. "What did he do babe?" Nate asked concern laced on his face.

"You know that Olivia I told you about?" Nate nodded. "I saw them earlier while I was on my lunch break. They looked like a couple and in love. About an hour ago I walked into his office and they were both in there kissing each other silly." I said sadly as more tears rolled down my cheeks.

"What? What is he playing at? Imma kick his ass." Nate said as his irritation grew because of what Brax had been caught doing. "You know it kills me to see you like this Adds. You look so depressed and out of it. Is he really that special to make you feel like this?" He asked.

"I'm in love with him Nate." I paused. "I have strong feelings for him. I have seen a different side to the big meanie I met when I first started working at Carter Inc. deep down he is sweet, gentle and considerate and I know he hides it under his tough mean boss act."

Nate knew everything I've been through with him, I also told Nate about waking up in his arms this morning and what he said to me. "I can see why he means a lot to you Addy. But what is he playing at? He's behaved like a dick today! I don't get how he can be in bed with you this morning, telling you that he can't stay away from you, yet a couple of hours later he sucking some bitch's face."

"I just don't get it Nate. I'm so confused as to why he's done it to me. I thought we were going somewhere, that there was something between us. But I guess it was all one sided.... my side!" I sniffled as more tears fell.

"I'm sorry you had to see that today. He doesn't deserve you beautiful. Have you eaten dinner?"

"No, I came straight from work. I haven't been home either. Can I stay the night please?" I asked Nate.

"Of course you can. I can either cook us something or we can order something. You decide."

We settled on ordering Chinese for dinner. Nate said he was paying for it and I wasn't going to fight him about it. I was physically and emotionally drained. We ate our Chinese, well I picked at it, talking about everything and anything making sure to avoid the mentioning of Brax. Once dinner was eaten we curled up on the sofa and watched the film White Chicks. Nate was obsessed with the film, I liked it too. We also shared a bottle of wine while watching the film.

Nate was drinking for the sake of drinking, me on the other hand, I was drinking my sorrows away. I was upset, hurt, my heart was aching. I thought Brax would be different that he wouldn't do what I witnessed but who was I kidding. He is the big boss man himself, he is the CEO of Carter Inc. a company he owned and it wouldn't surprise me if he owned other businesses here in New York and possibly other parts of the country. He was more than capable too. He most probably has different girls all the time that just fall at his feet.

The more I drank of the wine the more my heart ached, the more sad I got. I wanted to wake up from this horrible dream but this wasn't a dream unfortunately, it was my life and what a mess it is right now. Nate had fallen asleep watching the film, me, I was wide awake. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, I got up placed a blanket over Nate who was asleep on the sofa, cleared away our glasses and the wine bottle, grabbed my bag and walked into Nate's spare bedroom. I pulled out a spare t-shirt from the 'spare clothes' wardrobe and went into the bathroom, I pulled out the spare toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

As I got into bed I grabbed my phone from my bag to set my alarm to ring Stef in the morning to inform her of my absence from work just for tomorrow because I decided I wasn't going into work. There was 10 missed calls, 5 voicemails and 16 messages from Brax. I read all the messages with tears falling down my cheeks. I was a sobbing mess.

I'm so so sorry Addison. I want to explain please. Call me or at least pick up. ~ Brax

Addy please baby answer the phone, I'm sorry. ~ Brax

I'm at your apartment answer the door. We need to talk. ~ Brax

Most of the messages where him saying sorry, the last couple of messages were him expressing what I mean to him.

I know your hurt Addy, I just hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I can't do this without you. I need you. I have no reason or excuse for what I did with Olivia, I made a huge mistake with her. ~ Brax

When I saw you standing at the door, my heart broke at the fact that I hurt you in the most horrible way I could think of. I broke you and I broke myself. I realised at that moment that I had just hurt you that I screwed up with the one person who understood me, who means more to me than my own life. Yes Addy, I am in love with you. I know I've lost you and I can't tell you how sorry I am. I love you Addison xoxo ~ Brax

I couldn't bring myself to listen to the voicemails I would do that tomorrow. I used the charger that is left at Nate's to charge my phone as I curled under the covers and cried my eyes out. I started to drop off to sleep when I heard Nate's phone ringing. I heard a grumble than a hello from a sleepy Nate.

"She's not home, no.... I'm not telling you where she is.... You hurt her Mr Carter.... Yeah you are an idiot.... Just give her a bit of time.... Yes I will tell her."

I hear the bedroom door open, I try to stay as still as I could and even out my breathing so it looked like I was sleeping. "No, she's sleeping, finally.... She doesn't trust easily but with you, it was different.... In this short length of time you have known each other, I've seen a sparkle in her eye, something that's not been in her eyes in the whole two years I have known her.... Like I said just give her a bit of time.... Ok.... Bye!"

Nate puts he's phone on the bedside table and gets in bed with me wrapping he's arms around me, I snuggle closer to him and sob my heart out while he strokes my hair and coos in my ear. I felt my eyelids get heavy, shutting my eyes I fell asleep.

Chapter 9 done :)

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