This didn't make any sense. My kind could only ever have one soulmate, we didn't get second chances, which is what drove us insane. It was part of our punishment for being what we are. I stared at the back of the stranger as he turned a corner and I began to run.

Once we were in the nurses office I stared the stranger down. My instincts were suddenly very clear and all they screamed were to protect Linus, to take him home and to make sure this handsome stranger stayed away.

"My kind...we grow up dreaming about our soulmates," he looked up at me with sad eyes. "We sleep just so we can see their faces until we meet them, and the dreams stop coming because finally the dream has come true." He told me and I could only purse my mouth. "I always saw his face when I closed my eyes." He  said as he took hold of Linus' hand. "A month ago, they stopped."

"What do you mean?" He looked up at me with a cold look in his blue green eyes.

"Something went wrong." He told me. "I hadn't met him, but they stopped coming and I thought maybe he died." His voice cracked at this.

"So, is this your way of telling me that he is your mate?" I growled feeling on edge, I wanted to bite him suddenly because he was threatening to take from me what was mine.

"This is my way of telling you, that it's your fault."

"What is, exactly?"

"The fact that you are here,it's messing with our connection," he took deep breaths and calmed himself. "You have to let him go." His jaw was ticking.

"I don't think I can." I told him lowly as I looked at Linus.

"You have to," the man walked around the bed. "You aren't meant to have anyone." I stared at him in suspicious surprise.

"You know who I am?" He nodded.

"There's a photograph of you in my house. You knew my great great great- grandfather." I tilted my head. " Camden Jackson." I felt a tickle on my mind before a smiling man flashed before my eyelids. A siren.

I stepped back from the bed and glared at Camden's many greats grandson.

"You can't be." He smiled icily.

"I'm asking you, to be reasonable." He looked at Linus. "You can't have him."

"How do you know I want him?" I asked feeling annoyed.

"I'm a siren, I can sense when someone has fallen in love," he said sadly. "You need to let him go."

"He should be where he is more comfortable." I told him instead because I didn't know if I could do what he asked, not now that I understood what I felt for Linus. If, by chance I had met him sooner and he had told me this, maybe I would have done differently. "I'm taking him home." I said firmly and reached for Linus while staring at him. He wasn't happy.

I took Linus into my arms and walked away. I'm sorry, Camden. I thought to my dear old dead friend.

I stayed by Linus throughout the day, I stared at his face for the longest time. The face I had mistaken for annoying. I felt myself chuckle.

4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now