Chapter 9

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I was brought back from the past by the last feel of Z's thumb stroking over my lips before he stepped back, breaking all contact with me and not meeting my eyes.

This was always the way with him! When was I going to learn that the attraction was entirely one-sided and him warning me away from Pike had nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with him acting like a big brother yet again.

Embarrassment stained my cheeks as I turned and went in the house, making my way back to my room I shared with Tawny not bothering to turn on the lights as I knew that Rio hadn't changed the room around since we had been there last. I climbed in bed with Tawny and curled onto my side, letting the silent tears fall.

Zion's POV

I heard the screen door open behind me and knew it would be Rio before he said anything. I would have felt her immediately if it had been her, the current that travelled my body whenever she was around.

"After all this time you still can't be honest with her about why you pushed her away?"

"Rio, don't start-"

"She is nuts about you, always has been and you are too stubborn-"

"Enough, nothing has changed this is not the life for her. She deserves to be free, have a family not have to worry about the trouble the club will always bring."

"Isn't that her decision to make?"

"You sound just like her!"

"Z, I hate to see two people I care about hurting..."

"Rio, just leave it alone. She will heal and she will move on and that is what is best for her."

I didn't turn around to see if I had Rio's agreement, I assumed when he went inside to bed, letting the screen door bang gently back into place that he would continue to keep my secret.

It took me another ½ hour before I had wound down enough to be able to attempt to sleep, but turning towards the house I was ready to try. I didn't notice the vehicle down the street start up and leave as I headed in.

Mea's POV

I awoke the next morning with gritty eyes, testament to the crying I had done last night over Z once again. God when was I going to learn that he wasn't worth the tears. Fuck! I cursed myself in my head as I got up and out of bed, heading to the shower to get cleaned up before we headed out.

I needed to get my day organized, my resume ready and printed as I had interviews this afternoon and tomorrow morning for positions with both the local Legal offices as well as a couple in the neighbouring city.

It was time to put one foot in front of the other and move on from Z and the past, I thought with finality as I finished showering and got dressed in a spare pair of boxers and an old t-shirt of Z's that I found in the dresser in the spare room.

Coming back into the main room I found Rio leaning against the kitchen counter drinking coffee already.

"Mmmm, I said as I snagged his cup and took a sip of the tasty brew."

"You do know the mugs haven't moved, right?"

"Yes, but yours is always so much better" I said with a cheeky grin.

Sighing Rio grabbed another mug from the cupboard and made himself another cup of coffee.

"So what are you plans today, Mea?"

"As soon as you are done your coffee you are going to drive me over to the compound to pick up the SUV and I will come back to get Tawny as we both have interviews today so need to get ready and plan out how we are tackling them."

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