Chapter Two ●● Camp Lakewood

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▶cнapтer тwo- caмp laĸewood◀

Jesse’s P.O.V

“Camp? I mean seriously? I’m not gonna survive.” I said into the phone as I fell down onto my bed.

I heard Rikki sigh on the other end. “Well at least we don’t have to repeat the year.”

“True that.”

I stared at my open duffel bag on the floor. I attempted to pack a few things in it, but got tired as soon as I opened my closet because I’m just so lazy like that. I grabbed my remote from my nightstand and started flipping through the channels. “Hey, Chanel? You still there?” I asked into the phone.

It was a 3-way phone call, but Chanel seemed pretty quiet for the most of it.

“Yeah, I’m here. Just packing.” I heard a voice say.

“You’re already packing?”

“Well yeah, we leave tomorrow. Ya kind of have to pack like right now.” she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Guilt ran over me a bit. I definetly didn't want to go to some stupid summer camp instead of actually having fun over the summer with my friends, but in Chanel's view, she didn't even really do anything to even deserve this in the first place.

"Hey Chanel, I think I speak for both Jesse and I when I say that we're really sorry we got you into this mess." Rikki apologized.

"Yeah, like every other time we've gotten in trouble." I added.

It was silent for like 3 minutes before Chanel's soft voice finally spoke, "Guys, don't worry about it. I've always wanted to go to summer camp as a kid. Plus, you guys are my best friends, I can't stand to see you guys get in trouble. Might as well just get in trouble with you."

If sweetness was a person, its name would be Chanel Adara.

That girl stuck by us with everything, no matter how stupid it is.

"Aye, if I was with you right now, I would've insanely hugged you." Rikki said. 

Chanel giggled a bit and then said, "Well, what can I say? I just love you guys too much to get in trouble. I'd rather get in trouble with you even though I didn't do anything than see you guys suffer."

"AND THAT'S WHY YOU'RE THE BEST REDHEAD I KNOW!" I exclaimed and finally decided to settle with watching MTV.

"I'm the only Redhead you know." Chanel pointed out.

"Shows you how much love I have for you. You should feel special." I said proudly and laughed shortly after that as I watched Jersey Shore. This definitely wasn’t my show, but it was the only thing on and it was hilarious quite honestly. “Hey guys, you know Jersey Shore really isn’t that bad.”

Rikki laughed on the other line. “Yeah, I’d rather spend a whole year in that crazy house with Snooki and her friends than go to this dumb summer camp that we’re forced to go to.”

“Ohh that’s pretty harsh.” Chanel said. “Guess you’re really not looking forward to this summer camp.”

“Been to one when I was 8, got pushed into the lake there, hated summer camps and almost any kind of body of water every since then. Plus, there’s a whole bunch of flies there. You do spend most of your time outdoors ya know.” Rikki explained.

I played with the dyed tips of my hair a little and watched as Snooki and ‘The Situation’ got into some fight about something. People these days and their dumb crap.

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