Hey squish
Are you alright?
Any fever? Flu?
I'm discretely using my phone

Concentrate on filming!
I'm okay
Just tired
Please don't worry

I'm always worried about you
You're always on my mind


Your poet
Let me know about everything
I mean it

I would like for you to concentrate on filming now

Yes sir

And that I love you too. Sir.

Just laughed to myself and pretended it was a coughing fit
You can't do that to my heart
This idiot is texting you while hiding in one corner
This idiot loves you. A LOT.
Going back to filming now.
Once again, let me know everything.
I'll reply you later love.

I probably had the most ridiculous grin on my face as I looked up to see the members staring at me.

"What?" I asked, my smile fading.

"Nothing. It's just. Cute. Think we'll be like that next time?" Youngjae smiled, propping his chin up with his palm before turning to JB.

"Huh?" JB asked, his mouth filled with food. His gaze trained on the meat in front of him and he replied while popping it into his mouth.

"Can you believe that they're supposed to be the same age?" Youngjae shrugs at me, causing me to burst out in laughter.


I crawled into bed after lunch, texting Jackson about our little conversations during lunch. I guess he was right, I felt better after lunch especially after talking to the others.

I fell asleep with my phone in my hand while waiting for Jackson to reply, only waking when it vibrated to reply Jackson before drifting back to sleep again.

I still felt so tired despite sleeping the whole day, dragging my feet to head out for dinner.

From: Darling husband and king of my life

Have you had your dinner love?

Going to now
I'm still so sleepy...

It may be because you slept too much...
You should go out
Get some fresh air
Plan something with the others
Anywhere you would like to go?

To China
I'm kidding
I have a photo shoot the day after tomorrow
The mart? I'm craving some apples.

Ask the others to join you
You can get dinner out as well
I'll ask Bam

"Should we head out for dinner?" Bam shouted from the living room.

"Efficient" I laughed, joining the others in the living room.

"Let's go have 돼지국밥" Yugyeom suggests, bouncing on his seat.
A/N: Pork soup with rice in a stone pot/clay pot. IT'S AMAZING.

"Sure" we chorused, going to our rooms to grab our coats. I quickly changed, wearing one of Jackson's shirts before throwing on my jacket, his scent making me feel so loose limbed.

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