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"This is survival of the fittest

This is do or die

This is the winner takes it all

So take it all"

My theme song blared through the speakers as I walked out into the arena, glancing at the crowd, some cheering for me and some booing, but that didn't matter to me right now. I had never seen a crowd this big till now and it definitely left me awestruck.

I sat down on a stool in the corner of the ring with Josh and a few of his mates that he had introduced me to earlier.

Niall's entry song started playing as he walked out and into the ring shirtless with blue sweatpants on that showed the top of his shorts underneath.

I cursed at myself when thoughts of how hot he looked consumed me. He turned his head to meet my eyes and raised his lips into a smirk, as if he knew what I was thinking, or what practically all the girls in this arena were thinking at this very moment.

A couple seconds later, the referee called us into the middle of the ring and explained the rules.. slowly may I add, as if we were toddlers who didn't understand anything. He then made us shake hands which I refused to do and made my way towards my corner.

"Okay, Chloe. I'm not gonna lie to you here, I've never done this before and I literally have no idea as to what I'm supposed to say right now.. so like just try your hardest and kick his cocky ass?" He scratched the back of his neck.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. He sure was one of a kind. "Thanks for the pep talk, Josh. It was truly heartwarming."

One of Josh's mates ordered me to put my mouth guard and gloves on, which I quickly complied.

"Round one!" The referee called out and a bell rung.

I jumped from my seat and approached the middle of the ring with my arms held high, covering my face. Niall met me halfway, in the same position as we started to go around in circles, matching each others movements the whole time.

"So.. you gonna actually hit me this time?" I spoke out in a sarcastic way.

"Hell yeah. Specially after what you did to my friend.. twice."

"Listen, buddy. He asked for it," I chuckled dryly and quickly noticed he had lowered his arms during the talk, "and so are you." I took a step forward, leaned in and threw the first punched that hit him directly in the eye. He cussed and held his arms higher up.

He had left his stomach uncovered so I made a move and kneed him in the stomach. He fell to the ground in a matter of seconds, grabbing my leg and bringing me down with him. I got up quickly and straddled his waist, throwing punches at his face.

A bell dinged and I got up off of him, hurrying back to my corner. Josh took my mouth guard out and sprayed some water over my face and into my mouth.

"Okay, two more rounds to go. Try not to throw too many punches and let him attempt to hit you this round, save all your energy for the last round." He explained and put my mouth guard back in. I nodded and got up once the referee signalled the next round was about to start.

The next round wasn't filled with much excitement, we circled around the ring most of the time, throwing a few punches here and there. Niall even got away with some punches at me which in response, made the crowd go wild.
The bell dinged again and we retreated to our corners.

"Good job, Chloe. Now for this last round, put all your strength into your punches. Use your special move in the last couple seconds left. You can this." Josh encouraged and lightly punched my shoulder.

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