twenty eight

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"Tell me about your dad." Josh blurted out as he laid on my bed with his hands placed under his head.

It had been a couple weeks since that party at Niall's and Harry's place and not much has happened since. The days were mostly filled with boxing, studying and hanging out with my friends and surprisingly, Niall happened to be in that mix too. We never did anything bad, it was always helping each other study or exchanging strategies in boxing, he actually happened to be a decent guy when he wasn't surrounded with his other friends.

Josh and I were talking about Christmas that takes place in a couple weeks and how he was gonna go visit his family which is when he mentioned my dad. 

"Well, there's not much to tell. What do you want to know?" I turned my head away from my laptop screen.

"I don't know, anything."

"His name is David Sanchez, he used to always tuck me in and go to my matches. We used to sing together, we'd even do live shows sometimes. That's it. All I remember." I shrugged and turned my attention back to the screen.

It was silent for a couple minutes when he spoke up again, "Well have you tried searching his name up to try and find some more things about him?"

"No. He's dead, I don't need to know anything else."

Josh got up, rolling his eyes and grabbed my laptop from my hands. "You're a sad human, you know that?"

"I've been told, let's go upstairs and get something to eat."

He shook his head head too focused on the laptop screen, "not hungry, you go."

I huffed and watched as he made a new tab and typed in my dad's name in the Google search bar. I frowned, shook my head and walked out of my bedroom, heading upstairs.


The first couple links I had found  when I searched Chloe's dad's name up were Youtube videos of them singing together but the other ones were News headlines. I watched the Youtube video, curious as to what there voices sounded like together.

After watching a couple videos, I scrolled down and found a news article that caught my eye with the title: David Sanchez, dead or alive?

"Chloe?" I screamed out.


"I changed my mind, do you mind making me a sandwich?" I yelled out, knowing it would buy me some time to read this article without her seeing it. I heard her yell back a quick "sure" and I turned back to the screen, clicking on the link.

The same title appeared in bold at the top of the page with the publishing date beside it being recent. I took a deep breath and started reading.

Years ago, family and friends received news about a passing of a beloved, David Sanchez. It was reported that the cause of death had been a sudden death caused by a plan crash leading into London. Everyone had been devastated by the news and was curious and upset as to why the news hadn't made it anywhere but their email box and doorstep by two men posing as police officers. Those same men have recently been under investigation and thrown into jail for impersonation. Considering the only time those two men had posed as officers was to announce the death of David Sanchez, a case for David had been opened and investigated. An insider had announced that there had indeed been no plane that had crashed on that year, of that month on that day. As of now, the FBI has no information on David or on wether or not he's still alive somewhere out there. Information had been sent out to certain family members prior to the publishing of this article; on more information please contact us at

My mouth had fallen open at some point while reading that article and now refused to shut. "What the actual shit.."

"What are you reading?" Chloe asked, appearing in the doorway with 2 different plates that held sandwiches on top.

I turned the laptop screen away from her view before she could ready any of it. "Ugh.. nothing. Just some article talking about the crash. So how did you find out about your dad's death again?"

"Well, 2 officers came knocking on my door really late at night and told me."

I nodded my head slowly and took a bite from the sandwich. "And you never got any other information about him?"

"Nope, not even any funeral details." she looked up at me, "why are you so curious about this anyway?"

I scratched the back of my neck, "no reason."

She raised her eyebrow and before I could react, she grabbed the laptop and started reading.

She threw the laptop back on the bed a couple seconds later, walked into the bathroom and slammed the door with so much force that you could hear the walls shake.

"So, I take it you didn't know any of that.."


well 1) this chapter sucks ass 2) its shorts asf and 3) pretty sure i rushed it too much

wow im great

anyways done editing so I'll be posting 2 times a week and I need your guy's help to figure out which days those will be.

qotc: which 2 days of the week should I post on?

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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