twenty two

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dedicated to @beast_1 because i literally just picked someone random from the people who has voted for this story, so thank you


"Yeah. Lilly mind changing the channel." Alexandra agreed.

Lilly groaned and grabbed the remote. "You guys never like the stuff I watch." She huffed.

I turned my head and rolled my eyes. "Well, if the shows you watched weren't so stupid.."

"Whatever." Lilly mumbled and changed the channel on the telly, putting it on some cooking show.

I grabbed another handfull of skittles and chewed them down. "So.. can I ask you guys a question?" Lilly and Alexandra looked at each other and nodded.

I played with the plastic wrapper that contained the skittles. "Why'd you guys leave last night without me?" I looked up to see there expressions and they both looked worried.

Alexandra spoke up, "If i'm being completely honest here, neither of us remembers. We talked about this earlier when we realized you weren't home, we both don't remember anything.." She paused, "and the weird thing is that we both didn't drink a lot, I mean we did drink but definitely not enough to not remember anything the next morning."

I tensed up, my mind instantly went to the call I had earlier this morning, wondering if that person had anything to do with the reason my friends couldn't remember anything.

I sighed and threw the skittles wrapper on the coffee table. "I'm heading off to bed, night guys."

Alexandra laughed. "Why are you going to bed so early? It's only eight o' clock."

"To get a good nights rest for class tomorrow." I lied.

She looked suspicious but she quickly shook it off with a light chuckle. Turning around and walking down the stairs, Lilly called down to me a good night.

I walked into my room and grabbed a fresh pair of pajamas from my drawers. Walking to the bathroom, I threw my pjs on the counter and locked the door behind me so I could take a shower.

Around twenty-five minutes later, I was all washed up with my pjs on and I was sat on my bed with my phone in hand.

Scrolling through my most recent calls, my thumb hovered over the most recent one. I pressed on the number, calling it.




"This is Pizza Palace, how may I help you?" I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. That little-

"Hello? Is anyone there?" The overly perky woman on the other end questioned.

I cleared my throat and tried not to make it seem like I just pissed my pants. "Umm.. yeah.. Can I get a medium pepperoni pizza?"

I didn't want to seem like an idiot if I told her I was expecting someone else from this number so I did the first thing I could think of, I ordered pizza.

Plus I was hungry so it's pretty much a win win situation here.

"Actually, no, make it a large pepperoni pizza."

"Okay. Anything else with that?"

"No." I grabbed my wallet and went through it, looking for cash.

"Will that be a delivery or are you going to come and get it?" Her snippy attitude made me want to pull my hair out.

"Delivery." I sighed and told her the address.

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