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He was taken back with my punch and looked down at me with wide eyes.

"Weren't you there when I knocked your friend out? If you were, then you should know not to mess with me." I warned, pissed off. He just stood there, speechless.

"Bye." I walked away. He snapped out of his little day dream and grabbed my wrist... again.

"Would you stop grabbing my arm!"

"Don't tell me what t-" I cut him off by punching him in the gut.

"Hit me back." I demanded as he fell to his knees and clutched his stomach. I would never confess this to anyone because it sounds weird as it is but for some reason I loved the adrenaline rush I got while fighting.

"No, you're a girl." he managed to cough out.

"Coward. You're just a little coward that's afraid to hit a girl, I bet you're afraid to hit a guy too." I smirked as he grew mad, exactly what I wanted.

"Do not call me a coward." He stood up, forgetting about the pain in his gut and went to throw a punch at me. I laughed when the punch wasn't even near to touching me, didn't know if it was from the drinks he had most likely been drinking earlier or if he just didn't know how to punch properly.

"Idiot." I mumbled and kicked him in the nuts. He fell to the ground, clutching his lower part. I looked around and noticed that there was a circle forming around us.

"SHOWS OVER, BITCHES!" I shouted at them and pushed my way through the crowd, leaving Harry on the ground.


"What the hell was that!?" Lilly asked as we entered the car.

After the little reunion with Harry, I went out looking for Lilly and Alexandra but it turned out, they were amongst the crowd of people watching the fight.

"A fight. What did you think it was?" I said innocently as I closed the door. I saw her roll her eyes at me and shake her head "Who was that anyways?"

"I think his name was Harry."

"Last name?" Alexandra cut in.

"I don't know! I've only met him like once!" I snapped, annoyed that they were asking me so many questions. They knew I was annoyed so they closed there mouths and didn't say anything the whole ride.


When we arrived at the house, I opened the front door and ran down the stairs with my shoes still on. Opening my bedroom door, I fell face first onto my bed.

"You okay?" I lifted my head up to meet Alexandra's concerned eyes.

"Just peachy." She nodded and walked away. I sighed and put my face in my hands. When I closed my eyes, an image of the blonde guy that I fought awhile ago, randomly popped in my head. I shook my head, trying to get the image out and stood up.

I grabbed my laptop and powered it on. Once it loaded and logged me on, I went to click Google but before I could, a notification had came up, telling me I had a new email.

I clicked it and groaned; It was a reminder that I started classes in two days. Sighing, I clicked onto the google bar and typed in the word twitter.

After logging in and scrolling through my feed, I clicked on Compose A New Tweet.

I wrote a random tweet, pressed send and got off the page. My eyes moved down towards the time on the screen, it was nine-thirty. I closed my laptop, put it on my desk and made my way to the bathroom.

After I scrubbed my teeth and changed into my pj's, I jumped in bed and closed my eyes waiting for sleep.


When I had woken up, the sun peeked through my curtains and the birds were chirping obnoxiously outside my window.

Throwing the covers off of myself, I stood up and stretched out my arms. After going to the washroom, I remembered I had mentally planned a day at the arena today.

Putting my hair in a messy bun, I threw on a grey strapless bra and a paid of black yoga pants. I grabbed my ray-bans and my obey tank and threw both of them on.

When I walked in the kitchen, I spotted Lilly and Alexandra right away sitting on the chairs eating and chatting.

"Hi." I muttered. They both smiled at me and gave me a small wave. I guess they were still in shock because of yesterday, I don't even think Lilly knows I'm a boxe-

"So.. about yesterday.." Lilly trailed off, cutting me off from my thoughts.

"I'm a boxer." I said, skipping to the point. "I fight for money." Lilly gasped in shock and Alexandra just stood there with a straight face, already knowing this.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"I-I- um.. you ugh.. you don't really look like the type of person that likes b-boxing..." Lilly stuttered.

"Whatever." I grabbed an apple from the fridge and walked out the kitchen door, slightly offended.

After I finished my apple, I threw my scraps in the garbage and headed out the door. When I opened the front door, I got blinded by the sun so I quickly shielded my eyes with my ray-bands and started my walk to the boxing arena.

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